May 1st 2004 WT encourages more MacPioneers

by trumangirl 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • trumangirl

    The first study article of this WT (Youths, are you Building for the Future?), para 22:

    "A spiritual view of things will likely lead you to make decisions that others will not understand. For example, one young Christian man was a gifted musician and an honor student in every subject at school. When he graduated, he joined his father in a window-cleaning business so he could pursue his chosen vocation of full-time evangelizer, or pioneer. His teachers never did understand the reasons for his decision, but if you have drawn close to Jehovah, we are sure that you do."

    Does anyone else feel angry when reading this?

    What happened to the more balanced view of tertiary education that came in a few years ago? I reckon so many young dubs were going to university, having their minds opened to new concepts and questioning the troof, the WT is now reacting by reverting to exerting subtle pressure on the young ones to not go to university, instead to subject themselves through the hellish life experience of the young pioneer/menial job/poverty trap (hence, MacPioneer).


  • ozziepost
    What happened to the more balanced view of tertiary education that came in a few years ago? I reckon so many young dubs were going to university, having their minds opened to new concepts and questioning the troof, the WT is now reacting by reverting to exerting subtle pressure on the young ones to not go to university

    I would suggest another reason: the hardliners in Crooklyn/Patterson prevailed over the liberals!

    There certainly has been a political shift within the Borg over the last decade, as the new young guns have taken on more and more responsibility. Add to this the known foibles of Ted Jarasz and you have a this seeming 'see sawing policy, or as they like to term it, "tacking"!

    Truthfully Service Department (Ted Jarasz) never was serious about the shift in 'official' policy allowing tertiary education. Some of us were privy to this disturbing fact: at the very time Writing Department produced the "new light' in the Watchtower magazine, Service (Ted Jarasz) was pursuing the opposite viewpoint in their data-base of "official" answers to be used in letters from service departments in all of the branches worldwide.

    Brought to you by the crooks of Crooklyn.

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • Maverick

    The WTS is a very jealous demi-god. They want it all. If you can't use your God given talents to serve them then you are to let these gifts go to waste! Maverick

  • Poztate

    he joined his father in a window-cleaning business so he could pursue his chosen vocation of full-time evangelizer, or pioneer.
    Damm.....It looks like all the good janitor jobs must have been taken already.

  • doodle-v

    typical lame-ass "examples" of "christains yooths" who put jehober first.

  • Gopher

    What it really should have said:

    WT (Youths, are you

    Destroying your Future?), para 22:


    Watchtower view of things will likely lead you to make decisions that others will not understand. For example, one young follower of ours was a gifted musician and an honor student in every subject at school. When he graduated, he joined his father in a window-cleaning business so he could waste his life as a full-time evangelizer, or pioneer. Someday he may regret this decision, but hey we are glad we still have young people who are meek enough to follow our wishes. His teachers never did understand the reasons for his decision, but if you have drawn close to the Watchtower Society , we are sure that you do."

  • Soledad

    someone predicted in another thread that the Watchtower was going to change their stance on higher education. Done!

    Watchtower. As predictable as ever.

  • willyloman
    For example, one young Christian man was a gifted musician and an honor student in every subject at school. When he graduated, he joined his father in a window-cleaning business

    The artist once again known as Prince clearly did not receive this memo.

  • doodle-v

    This article makes me want to vomit

    on page 15 there are three pictures. The first picture shows two teens playing soccer. The second shows a kid playing video games. The third shows a young lady playing the piano. and the caption reads:

    Will you allow personal pursuits to absorb all your youthful energy and enthusiasm?

    Wait you thought that was bad? there's more!! gag

    13) When you think of association, you likely think of being with people. That is correct, but more is involved. When you watch a television program, listen to music, read a novel, go to a movie, or use certain resources on the Internet, you are having association. If that association panders to violent immoral inclinations or encourages drug abuse, drunkenness, or anything else contrary to Bible principles, you are keeping company with "the senseless one" who acts as if Jehovah did not exist.-Psalm 14:1

    14) Perhaps you feel that since you attend Christian meetings and are active witht the congregation, you are strong enough to handle a violent movie or a music alblum with good tunes but questionable lyrics. Maybe you feel that there will be no bad results if you take a quick look at a pornographic Web site on the Internet. The apostle Paul tells you that you are wrong!. He says: "Bad associations spoil useful habits." (1 Cor. 15:33) Sadly, many promising young Christians have had their good habits spoiled by unwise associations. Be determined, then to shun associations. If you do so, you will follow Paul's counsel: "Quit being fashioned after this system of things, but transformed by making your mind over, that you may prove to yourselves the good and acceptable and perfect will of God." -Romans 12: 2.

    Here's the kicker

    15) Here is a second choice you face. A time will come when you will have to decide what you want to do when you finish school. If you live in a land with a shortage of employment opportunities, you might feel pressured to grasp the best available. If you live in a prosperous contry, there might be may choices, some of them very tempting. With the best of motives, your teachers or your parents might urge you to pursue a career offering financial security, perhaps even wealth. (gasp) However, training for that career might severely limit the time you can spend serving Jehovah.

    I can't type any more, I feel sick


  • Euphemism
    reckon so many young dubs were going to university, having their minds opened to new concepts and questioning the troof

    I'm sure that has happened (in fact, I know of one case in my old cong). But for the most part, I think that the social environment of college is far more worrisome to the Watchtower than the intellectual aspect.


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