Anyone remember the old Philia mailing list for XJW's? That was back in the days before the WWW, when the Internet didn't have graphics, and you had to subscribe to mailing lists by sending a request to the particular server and requesting to subscribe. You then only got text response from all members of the mailing list. I remember getting a book that had lists of all the lists, and finding an XJW list on there, and subscribing to it. On it were Randall Waters, Kent Steinhaug, James Penton, and several other "old-timers." That's when I first came to realize the "truth about the truth."
Any old members of Philia here? I am not sure whatever happened to that list, but they were a great bunch of people. I still keep in touch with a few of them, and some of them were on the old H2O board. This was around 1993, 94 and 95.
Country Girl