I hope this is close to the book cuz it is one of my favorite old school sci fi reads..
District Overbeer
by Valis 3 Replies latest social entertainment
I hope this is close to the book cuz it is one of my favorite old school sci fi reads..
District Overbeer
I hope it doesn't dissapoint ya bro, but this is not the book. As you probably remember I, robot was a series of short stories, this is not them. This story is closer to the second book - the caves of steel,(1st of 3 books with elijah baley and danneel) but it is not that either and neither of those characters exist yet. it is a precursor story to i, robot, they introduce the character of susan calvin, but that is about it. the time frame is supposed to be set before the i robot story.
Set in future Earth (2050 A.D.) where robots are common assistants and workers for their human owners, this is the story of "robotophobic" police Detective Del Spooner's (Smith) investigation into the murder of Dr. Miles Hogenmiller, who works at U.S. Robotics, in which a robot, Sonny appears to be the culprit even though that would mean the robot had violated the ?Laws of Robotics?, which is supposedly impossible. Helping Spooner investigate the case is a psychologist, Dr. Susan Calvin, who specializes in the psyches of robots.
Anyways I am excited to see any adaptation of these books to film. They is also a separate production happening of caves of steel in the works supposeably. http://www.thezreview.co.uk/comingsoon/c/cavesofsteel.htm
And also the hitch hikers guide to the galaxy is in production as well. http://hitchhikers.movies.go.com/main.html
What will you do with yours?
use it as a sexbot like in the robots of dawn.
hmm...well thanks Sirius...I got interested because I saw some wierd ad inn the paper today for a car and it listed i, Robot coming on the 16th...So I went digiing for it..I'm excited as well and thanks for the caves of steela nd HGTG info...
District Overbeer
What will I do with mine???? hmmmmm, probably the same thing I plan to do with this http://www.realdoll.com/