110th Gilead Class Graduation - March 10, 2001
The Blessing of Jehovah Makes Rich
Prov 10:22 Blessing makes rich, no pain. Over 805,000 engaged in pioneering. This includes bros in war torn, poor countries where there is little part time work. Jeh sustains (Ps 37:25) Hard for those not in full time service to sometimes understand. Acts 14:9; 1 Co 16:5 In a vision, Paul was told to 'step over to Macedonia.' Paul received many blessings. Met Lydia, went on to Berea met those noble minded. Acts 14:27, 28 He was able to open to the nations the door to faith. Ps 29:11
Today, Jeh is blessing his people with peace. In one war torn country, missionary couple conduct I1 bible studies the other 13. Another blessing is that of being a part of a spiritual family. Blessing of Jeh makes one rich spiritually.
GB -Dan Sydlik: -Be True Disciples
Must continue to be learners, or we stop being a disciple. John 8:32- What freedom has the truth brought us?
1. Freedom from fear - one with Jeh is a majority.
2. Freedom from self we are in some cases our own worst enemy. We struggle with our personalities, must become new person. Put on the new personality.
3. Freedom from others-don't need to worry about what other people think about us. Care only about what Jeh thinks.
4. Freedom from sin-Break the chains that bind us to our sins. The ransom will even free us from our imperfections.
Learn to laugh. Best medication. Learn to tell Bib, lestories when we are with people. Learn to say nice things and no one will be upset with what we say.
Lawrence Bowen-Will Your Kidneys Correct You?
Ps 139:12-14 Kidneys, why special mention? Depth of God's spirit cannot be blocked. Incomprehensible. Jer. 17:14-Search the heart, examine the kidneys, which are our innermost thoughts & emotions. What does Jeh see when looks at our inner thoughts? We must drink literal water for healthy kidneys. 1 Co 12:13-Drink Holy Spirit. How receive? Prayer -form longing for unadulterated milk. Additionally, we must eat good food to have healthy kidneys. Heb 5:14-Solid food. How our spiritual habits. Ps 16:5, 6. Measuring line, Our relationship with Jeh. Vs 7David - kidneys - correct me. Not literal kidneys, but Jeh's advice so deeply in him, became a part of him & that is why it could correct David. For you students, the banquet is over. Continue vour good study habits. Take the time to meditate. Sink down from head to heart to kidneys. Pr 23:16, 17. Our actions can cause even Jeh's kidneys/inner being/emotions to exalt.
Mark Noumair-Better is the Seeing By the Eyes
If there were 2 angels & one was sent to clean the streets & the other to rule a nation, they would not rival to change assignments. Why? Because they are content.
Ecc 6:9-Better is the seeing by the eyes. What mean? Face reality, instead of fantasizing. Make the most of your present circumstances. Not wishing for other things, trying to satisfy desires that can't be fulfilled. Deal with it rather than make up something else you would rather do. For ex. For Missionaries, say, This is my assignment. This is the language I must learn. This is the people I must live with. Do not say if I could learn that other language, it would be easier. If I had a washing machine, I would do better. If the congregation were nicer to me, I wouldn't be homesick. That will only lead to discontentment.
First, learn to live with your circumstances. For example, a brother in the 17th class of Gilead, liked cold weather and Spanish was his worst class. Well his assignment was a steamy hot county that spoke Spanish, Ecuador. Did he go? Yes and he has remained there for the last 50 years. Beware of the trap "I deserve better." Don't look for perfect circumstances, make the best of the circumstances you are in. Some problems can be solved but others need to be managed. (Br Knorr said). Knowing the difference is the key. Dispel negative thoughts.
Secondly, do not become blind to blessings around you. Korah did. He should have appreciated the blessings he had as a Koathite Levite. He could carry the Ark. No he wanted more, greedy. Students, do not look at the Gilead school privilege as a little thing. There are many that would love this privilege. If you are not happy with what you have, what makes you think you will be happy with more? Missionary life is not glamorous but it is rewarding.
Remember, he who puts first the kingdom will never be disappointed.
Wallace Liverance-Recommend Yourself as God's Ministers
2C4:2, 1Cor 9:1
The Evans learned Albanian in England in order to witness to Albanian people. Read WT article that said people respond to the Truth quicker when it is in their language. Called on a woman at Patterson. When they came to the door and spoke Albanian, the woman was so excited, You speak my language.
Another couple having a nice call on a woman and then one day she tells them that, she does not want to become one of Jehovah's Witnesses but will just follow her heart. The sister showed her Jer 17:9, the heart is treacherous who can know it. What a change this made in the woman's attitude. On the last study she now wants to know what changes she needs to make so that she can become a Witness.
Another couple met a woman who asked 'Are you teaching religion or the bible?' She was looking for the religion that had the ring of truth.
Joel Adams- Never stop learning, Never stop serving Jehovah Interviews
Harry Johnson-56 years Full-time service. Baptized at 15 years old. He attended the 26 Class of Gilead 1955156 and was assigned to Denmark. For 12 years, he- was at the Branch. He came back to Bethel in NY in 1968.
What did you learn from Gilead? Be content. Keep moving ahead. At 80 years old, he and his wife are learning Portuguese to help the Portuguese Cong.
Wayne Johnson-Baptized at the age of 11. He attended the 36' Class Gilead, 1961 and was sent to Rhodesia, now Zambia. They received assignments on Graduation Day. Br Knorr said you are assigned to Rhodesia as a District Overseer. What? He thought, he was only 23 years old. But Gilead had trained him. After arriving there he felt he could handle the organizational things, even judicial. There he had learned to treat people with respect & dignity.
He once served in an area that had rarely seen a white man. Congregation had 80 publishers however 120 attended the meeting for service. The others had come to see the white man. After the meeting for service, he asked that all in the audience that were not JW's if they could please go home because they would be calling on them.
Once in Rhodesia sent to another area to do some painting. He was getting homesick. That evening after work done, all sat around talking, Mentioned his name & one of the couples said they remembered a family they had studied with back in Canada by the name of Johnson. Yes this was the pioneer couple that had studied with his parents. That took care of his homesickness.
Br Nackess-Gilead 1972. He was sent to the Philippines. Remembered getting off the plane & it was so hot like stepping into a furnace, but also remember the warmth of the brothers that met them was warmer yet. What did he learn at Gilead? How to become a good student. Through concentrated study & research. It had helped him to appreciate the value of bible principles & the value of applying them. Never stop learning. never stop progressing
Richard Rian- Fortified to carry out Jehovah's Will Interviews
Herman Van Selm Gilead 1974 Suriname then Brazil. Have an open mind. Minds & parachutes work best when opened. 1980 he & his wife lived deep in a forest. While arranging to attend District Convention. in Paramaribo along with 55 individuals studying, a package arrived from the city with 20 neck ties. He gave them to the men, who were South American Indians. They looked a little puzzled but then smiled. When they got together at midnight, it was very dark. They loaded the canoes with jute bags filled with fruit. These were items they would sell in order to pay trip for their trip. At 5 when the sun came up, he was surprised to see that the jute bags were all tied with the neckties. However after selling the fruit, they wore the ties to go to the convention. Having an open mind is necessary!
Also be reasonable about expectations. For example, it was necessary to learn people's view of time. In some countries, time is determined by the clock & in others, it is by the event. When you go by the event, a '/2 hour can be measured differently. It is the length of time it would take to cook a pot of rice. However, depending on the type of pot you cook the rice in, that time may vary. So if you are measuring time by your watch, but that doesn't always work. Allow for variations.
Also interviewed Br Kurtz
Learn from the older missionaries. They are your extension of Gilead. He served in Spain during the time the work was under ban. Branch records were kept in two suitcases, for times when they needed to be able to make a quick get away. After being deported, he was able to enter Spain for up to three months at a time as a tourist. He used this method for 25 years. He was probably the longest tourist they ever had.
Gerrit Losch-On and Under Jehovah's Wings
Under the wings you will take refuge. Learn from eagles, they protect the fledglings from the scorching sun by spreading wings over them, sometimes for hours. Also wrap wings around them to protect from cold. This is instinct, but Jeh does it for us out of love. In ancient times, Jeh gave physical protection. Ps 57:1-David, in the shadow of your wings I take refuge. Deut 32:11,12-Israelites protected through wilderness trek. Today our protection is primarily spiritual. Time of the end Jehovah promised to protect his people as a whole. Rev 12:14-Satan not exterminate. Not miraculous protection. Time and unforeseen occurrence still befall Jehovah's people. This allows us the opportunity to show our love. Occasionally Jehovah does protect some individually. But that is not promised. What is promised is spiritual and emotional support, not allow us to bear more than we can endure. 1 Co 10:13.
When an eagle learns to fly, it is a dangerous time. Ex 19:4 Jehovah carried the Israelites on wings of eagles. Parent eagles will drop a fledgling 90 ft and then swoop down and catch them on their wings. Deut 32:11.
The mother eagle may carry the eaglet on her back so that it can rest. In your assignments, you may get exhausted and feel like that fledging, but Jehovah will sustain you. He can carry us spiritually and emotionally. An eaglet can only be either on or under the mother eagle. However, we can be both on and under Jehovah's wings. For the eaglet, the father will bring the prey and the mother cuts it up the food and feeds the eaglet. In a similar manner, Jehovah provides the spiritual food and the mother-like organization presents it in a manner that we can digest it. Hab 1:8 says, "... they fly like eagles speeding to eat something." An eagle can fly 120miles/hour. We should have the same attitude towards obtaining spiritual food.
All of us like fledglings. All of us need to beware of the bird catcher, who is Satan. Ps 91:3 The trap is Satan's visible organization. Bait-attractions of this world are aimed at weaken our loyalty then the bird catcher gets us. Violent movies, etc. Ps 1124:6-8 shows that we can escape through study, prayer and remaining under Jehovah's wings and mother-like organization. These things will help to keep us from the trap. Avoid a spirit of independence. Do not separate ourselves.
Is 40:31-Mount up wings like eagles. Eagles fly high using invisible thermal air. We too can be sustained by seeking Jehovah's invisible active force to help us to "fly high". How do they know where the thermal air masses are? They watch other eagles. So learn from others; those with more experience.
Job 39:27-29, Rev 4:7, Prov 22:3, Ecc 9:4, 7-8.
The eyes of an eagle are larger than a man's. Eagles does not just give a glance, they appear to look through you. Like wisdom, the eagle analyzes things. We too need to see the consequences of our actions.