I never cease to find this funny... REAL CHILDREN'S BOOKS YOU'LL NEVER SEE
- "You Were an Accident"
- "Strangers Have the Best Candy"
- "The Little Sissy Who Snitched"
- "Some Kittens Can Fly!"
- "Katy Was So Bad Her Mom Stopped Loving Her"
- "The Kids' Guide to Hitchhiking"
- "Where Would You Like to Be Buried?"
- "Where's Godot?"
- "The Attention Deficit Disorder Association's Book of
Wild Animals of North Amer... Hey! Let's Go Ride Our Bikes!" - "All Dogs Go to Hell"
- "When Mommy and Daddy Don't Know the Answer They Say God Did It"
- "Garfield Gets Feline Leukemia"
- "What Is That Dog Doing to That Other Dog?"
- "Why Can't Mr. Fork and Ms. Electrical Outlet Be Friends?"
- "Bi-Curious George"
- "Daddy Drinks Because You Cry"
- "Mister Policeman Eats His Service Revolver"
- "You Are Different and That's Bad"
- "Pop Goes The Hamster! And Other Fun Microwave Games"
who doesn't have children