Lord, Spare Me From Victim Culture.

by Englishman 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Englishman

    I’ve often said that I believe that I am a good friend to have around in times of trouble. Tell me your problem once and I’ll do my best to help. Tell me it again and I start to wonder why you haven’t fixed it yet.

    As a “Silver-ish Surfer” in my mid 50’s I reckon that I’ve had my fair share of ups and downs, so much of the stuff that exiting JW’s have to cope with is very familiar to me. Often times I am quite taken aback at some of the remarkable displays of courage that we see on this board, particularly from some of the feisty ladies who will not tolerate being bullied by what I call “Oppressive People”. They recognise that they have a problem, they talk about it briefly and then they fix it! If they can’t fix it, they learn to deal with it as best they can, but it doesn’t stop them from living as full a life as possible.

    What really gets my goat however, is that we seem to be attracting a host of namby-pamby wingers on board who don’t seem at all interested in learning how to cope with their problems, or for that matter, even comprehend what a real problem actually is. Today, I have read posts by someone who hates the nicknames used for Italians, someone else doesn’t like being called “Coloured”, we even get presented with episodes of How My JW Mom Treated Me Today.

    I mean, if the biggest problem that you have is not liking a nickname, or you want to be a Person of Colour as opposed to a Coloured Person or that your JW mum is being impossible – they all are for Christ’s sake! –then it strikes me that your time would be better spent in assisting persons who have real problems instead of writing self-pitying drivel for me to read!

    So come on all you Permanent Victims, go and volunteer to help where help is really needed and lets keep this a board fit for hero’s.


    ..... fanaticism masquerading beneath a cloak of reasoned logic.

  • Kent

    Hi Englishman!

    I mean, if the biggest problem that you have is not liking a nickname, or you want to be a Person of Colour as opposed to a Coloured Person or that your JW mum is being impossible – they all are for Christ’s sake! –then it strikes me that your time would be better spent in assisting persons who have real problems instead of writing self-pitying drivel for me to read!

    I agree - but my problem is much. much bigger than that!

    I'm Out Of Beer!!!!

    Yakki Da


    "The only difference between God and Adolf Hitler is that God is more proficient at genocide."

    Daily News On The Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses:

  • Englishman

    "I'm Out Of Beer!!!!"

    Kent, dont forget that you've also broken your penis enlarger.


    ..... fanaticism masquerading beneath a cloak of reasoned logic.

  • claudia

    Right on Englishman!

  • Maximus

    Amen and amen! (Hope someone doesn't start a thread about who's the biggest NonVictim, with all the sheep bleating Me, Me, Me.)

    Em, couldn't you make that quotation "pseudo-logic"?

    Now to my beef for the day. A friend called last night who is an alcoholic, in deep trouble because of you, Englishman. Not content with just showing a glass, but repeatedly POURING the Devil's brew in that icon! Poor sod now runs the risk now waking up just like Noah, picture courtesy of the Photo-Drama book.

  • outnfree

    Add an "f" to the end of that address Max gave you,

    and hope your world doesn't look like that in the morning!



  • Englishman


    Your friends problem is only a little one! Beer is food drink, relatively weak in alcohol, so vast quantities must be consumed in order for innebriation to be accomplished.

    Ex Tory leader William Haigh said that he was a 14 pints a night man, I think that 5 is just about right.

    And remember: Beer drinkers are never constipated!



    ..... fanaticism masquerading beneath a cloak of reasoned logic.

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