Tips for bringing out the real personality

by Illuminated 3 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Illuminated

    What can we do as non JW members or ex JW's to bring out the natural personality of an indoctrinated JW?

    It's mentioned by cult experts and former JW's to keep things light and stay clear of direct cult info. It's difficult for me to do this as I generally like to dive into the deeper waters of emotions, thoughts, subjects and connect on that level. Yet, I've continued to do so anyway. 

    As a non Witness, I'm currently shunned. It hurts. Yet, what's important more so is I cannot relay information and connect in a way that would cause a ripple. I do sense my emails are being read.

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse
  • ABibleStudent

    Shots of Patron tequila might help.  (humor)

    As a non-Witness you are a threat to the spiritual cleanliness of a congregation, so JW's would rather prove their love to Jehovah (loyalty to the Watchtower) than be a friend to you.  Also, JWs are afraid to associate with non-JWs, because another JW might see them and report back to an elder.  Most JWs don't want a shepherding call. 

    Your best option is to make new non-JW friends and enjoy life with them.  If you don't like the best option, then have you tried the following:

    1. Create a Facebook page showing all the fun things that you are doing.
    2. Send emails to JWs that show how whacky other dangerous cults are and include links to reputable websites like or that they can view on their own.
    3. Send anonymous emails to JWs about a judgment against the Watchtower for enabling and protecting a pedophile, selling off multi-million dollar property, etc with some catchy subject line.

    If JWs are not afraid to associate with you, you have more options like doing fun activities or hobbies where they can meet more non-JWs, you can ask them simple questions, you can help them learn about critically thinking for themselves, and you can ask them simple questions that get them to question why they use thought-stopping platitudes.

    Best of Luck to you!

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • Crazyguy
    Make love not war. After I have made love to my wife her guard is down but one still must step lightly. So I guess one has to make love to every one that you are trying to get out of the cult. JK

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