New Watchtower HTML code!

by nicolaou 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • nicolaou

    Heavens Theocratic Markup Language

    Most of us know a little of how the 'net works.
    Web pages are created with a basic language, HTML, which our browsers interpret and display onto our monitors.

    JW's are created with a basic language, WHTML, which their minds interpret and translate into certain thoughts and actions.

    By use of 'repeated affirmation' and the 'cognitive dissonance' code checker, high quality dubs can be churned out en masse.
    WHTML is a real dreamweaver.

    I was wondering if some of the 'techies among us {Simon, Kent, Larc} could shed any light on the basic WHTML tags?

    <head>this is NOT a valid JW tag</head>


  • Simon

    Ok, how about...

    <newlight blink="on/off">Lets make it 1914 instead</newlight>
    <erase all="mention of">1975</erase>
    <guilt create="lots">It's your fault it didn't happen</guilt>
    <repeat loop-until-end="of world">The WTS represents jehovah</repeat>

  • COMF

    <tack action="resurrection" left="yes" right="no" duration="endless">Sodom and Gomorrah</tack>
    <script language="theocratese">
    Organization FDS spirit-directed antitypical Jonadab
    class this class that here a class there a class
    everywhere a class class
    <implicate method="broadstroke">Some, however, seem to feel that they can...</implicate>
    <deaden target="brain">Fine spiritual banquet presented five times a week</deaden>

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