Watchtower and UN

by mkr32208 7 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • mkr32208

    I've read most of the topics on this (not all yet there are a lot!) and tried to follow the links to the un site the message I got was that all the links were outdated. I went on the site and tried to find this info fom that end, I found the list of ngo's but "watchtower bible and blah blah whatever" wasn't on there! Before I try to convince my wife and family of the truth of this I really need CURRENT proof that I can find without linking off this or any other "apostate" site. Please help!

    The silent lambs is good stuff all 4 of the kids in my family (myself and my three bothers) were abused, and went through exactly what is discribed in most of these cases. I personaly know of at least 25 kids in my old hall who went through this. When I go back to my home town to visit I always drop by the hall and play "jw" just to see whats up and everyone always says "of all the kids this hall had back in the day you know that only you, your brother (he's an elder in jacksonville, fl) and 3 or 4 others are still in the truth?" and I always want to scream "yeah and you still have 2 fu##ing child molesters giving public talks!" When I try to mention this to my wife I just get the old well people are imperfect but wait on jehovah horse shizit. oh well... let me get off my tangent and back to the subject at hand!

    I really don't want my two girls (6mnths and 2.5 yrs) going to the kh with their mom but I need her to understand how this organization really is so I can avoid a divorce. In order to do that I have to be logical and have to show her "unbiased" reporting (like the swill she gets from the wbts is unbiased right...) I'm slowly winning she's down to maybe one meeting a month and hasn't been in service in... maybe 6 months? But she still believes that this organization is the truth. We have huge fights about it she is so depressed because she feels she isn't doing what god wants she's in counsling and on prozac, but if i could just show her something not from "apostates" it would really help....

    thanks so much

  • Gerard

    Get the info straight from the Dept. of Public information of the United Nations:

    Click on "Other documents" which brings you here:

    Click on Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York.

    Also explore this site with lots of verifiable info and links:

    A way to make her realize the WT everchanging and contradictory doctrine is by exploring Quotes:

    Print and have her read some of these articles:

  • NikL

    As to the UN stuff. I think the dubs have been able to cover their tracks pretty well. As to a unbiased news source, you must remember there is no such thing outside of the org. It is all run by Satan and meant to mislead the faithful. Anything critical that is said about the org is a lie. That is how they think. I too have a faithful wife still in the org. I got out several years ago and it almost split us up. My advice to you is not to ride her too hard. She has to come to her conclusions about the org herself. If you force her she may have a moment of concience and decide that she isn't pleasing Jehovah in her current course and try to make a comeback. Anything can bring this on like a crisis of some sort. If that happens she may decide that it is you being used by Satan to try to stop her and she could very well take the kids and bolt. The elders would back her up saying it was spiritual endangerment. I think it helps to show her you are no worse than before by leaving and being busy and happy in your life. When she see's that, she may start to weaken in her clinging to the org. Sometimes a fade away is the best but if you force her to look at things she isn't ready to deal with it may do more harm than good. My wife is still a rart of things but she goes to a reletively liberal congregation and has lots of friends. Even me as an outsider inactive witness am exceepted by most of her friends even for social occasions. We are lucky in that because it could have gone much worse. My secret is to keep my thoughts of the org to myself and let them discreetly enquire once and a while and teven then really keep it light. I know they think about it later and maybe they will start their own inquires into the dark side of the witnesses. I realise I am rambling a bit but I read your post during a quiet moment at work and wanted to post to you.

  • undercover

    Go to Search on "The Guardian" or "The Guardian Unlimited". Click on "The Guardian Unlimited". Click on archive search. Type in keyword search "watchtower" date: oct 2001. Click on "Jehovah's Witness link to UN queried" There you will find the article that exposed the WTS connection with the UN. Note that the date of the story is October 9, 2001.

    If you scroll on down you'll see a link to an article dated October 15, 2001 titled "Hypocrite Jehovahs Witnesses abandon secret link with UN"

    By doing this you have not visited an apostate sight. You have accessed the archived files of a London newspaper. Granted, the writer of the article seems to not like the JWs to begin with. But in this article he accuses the WTS of having a connection with the UN by becoming an NGO. One has to ask, is this reporter lying? Can I verify his claim? If one has an open mind and wants to know the truth, one must be willing to research and accept the evidence.

    Now go to Search on "united nations". Click on the result ( Click on "About the United Nations". Click on the "NGO Section". Here you can learn all about the NGOs and how it works. But to find the damning letter regarding the WTS, click on "NGO Related Documents". Now click on "Other Documents". And finally click on "Watchtower Bible and Tract Society". There's the letter from the UN itself saying that the WTS applied for and was granted NGO status. It also confirms that the WTS requested termination on October 9th, 2001, the same day as the Guardian article.

    Now you have one media source that claims that the WTS had UN connections and from the UN site itself you have confirmation of this fact. No apostates or apostate sites are accessed or referenced. This is why the WTS doesn't want it's followers using the Internet.

  • BluesBrother

    Just a word of support for mkr32208 and NikL and all the rest of us who have wives who are active in the J W World of deception. Why is that otherwise intelligent and gifted people just cannot see the gaping holes in the J W doctrines?

    I believe the word is Cognitive Dissonance, where one just cannot see the obvious.. But of course I did follow it for many years and I know that it took something special to open my eyes

    The advice already given is good . Go forward gently

  • galaxy7
  • Quotes

    You won't find their name in the current list of NGOs, since they have disassociated themselves and the UN's DPI has accepted this disassociation request. However, their past association is definite and provable.

  • mkr32208

    I just wanted to bump this to celebrate! My kids are now 5 and 7 and my wife hasn't set FOOT in a KH in two years (and that was for a funeral) she hasn't been to a meeting in over 4 years!

    Don't give up guys you CAN win againt these butt biters!

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