Becoming A JW? Link to This...

by Francois 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Francois

    The following link is to the online version of a book titled "Jehovah Lives in Brooklyn," written by my friend Richard Francis. Rick was raised in the Witnesses, left them as an M.S. over twenty years ago, and has written many books about not only the JWs, but also about love, mysticism, philosophy, and many other topics.

    If you or someone you know is interested in becoming a Jehovah Witness, this book may very well serve to inspire them to pause, take a deep breath, and think very carefully about what they're getting into. It's the "rest of the story" the other side of the one being told them by their study conductor.

    This book presents a very accurate picture of life in the organization as it is lived from day to day in that rather unbelievable organization.

    Peace & Truth,


  • Gopher

    Francois and Zazu,

    The link should read "page2" rather than "p2". Here it is:


    GopherThe sieve says to the needle; you have a hole in your head.
    Indian Proverb

  • ZazuWitts

    Here are links for the book:

    Francois, I know Richard and the lovely "M" also. :)

  • Francois

    Zazu: You know my spooky friends? They are something aren't they? We've been hanging out since 1983, I think it was. And we've had all sorts of adventures in all that time.

    Did you ever visit them in that funky series of "domes" they had in Worthville? And I guess you know they're in Ohio now? Perhaps we can get together at their new digs one day?

    THERE WAS A LINK in my post earlier today when I first put it up. Wha' hoppen?


    My $0.02

  • neyank

    Hi Francoise,
    Thanks for the link.
    Lots of good info.


  • larc


    Since Zazu, my wife, did come back yet. I will answer. Yes, we know your friends and we have been to their place in Kentucky many years ago. I did not know that they were in Ohio, and yes it would be good to meet you at their place some time.

  • ZazuWitts


    I remember the 'domes.' - In fact, I recall one fine summer day, sitting around with Richard, Maria, and Rick's mom - they had only one 'dome' at the time. We were trying to come up with a 'name' for them, lodges, huts, earth-igloos, - haha, it was a great, peaceful day.

    Yes, not too long ago I learned they were in Ohio; I was able to pick-up Rick's program a few times with my CC radio.

    It would, indeed, be great for us all to get together. I have only good thoughts about them - In fact, to know them is to love them. They are two of the most loving, caring and sharing and gentle people that I've ever known.

    What Rick suffered at the hands of Brooklyn is truly tragic. As for 'spooky' - well, I share some of their conclusions, haha.

    Rick long ago wrote a book regarding the 'psychology of JW's' - we moved back to Ohio last year, and I know it's still packed away. I'm going to look for it - he had a chapter on women in the organization that had some right-on, excellent observations that I wanted to share with fellow posters.

    Thanks for posting re his book.
    Gopher, thank you for correcting the link. :)

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