This was too funny but true.
The price of Gas
by William Penwell 9 Replies latest social humour
When it comes to gasoline prices, I don't laugh much.
More gas jokes ???
William Penwell
Yeah I seen all of those jokes. It wold be funny if it weren't so tragically true.
What I really hate is the amount of taxes hidden in the price. Oh well we could be in the UK or Europe where the gov't really knows how to screw a guy. Lucky in the UK a 50 mile trip is a major expedition so maybe they don't notice as much as we do.
just wonder how the people with the SUVs think about this
Very funny, guys! And true, though I would venture to say that the oil companies are still making major profits as well.
There is an expression, in english:
"You will win more flies with honey than you will with vinegar."
Why don't you leave it alone, instead of continuing to poke the wound with a stick?
I say this in a kind voice, as I don't see any point in your last comment, except to stir people up. Is that your intent? (rhetorical question, designed to make you think, for the good of the discussion board) I hope not, I really do.
LOL i don't intend to catch flies!....and i find the jokes funny.
but i also find the lamento about gas prices in the US a little funny considering that the gas prices in the US are half that of europe and some people brag about driving cars that burn twice as much as necessary (that is as long as the gas is almost for free).
Those were cute!