The teaching about Heaven and Hell is one of the main doctrines of mainstream Christianity.Yet to this day it is not a clear scriptural teaching among those scholars teaching it..The Bible itself is in question as to it's being inspired of God.Therefore, the whole concept about rewards and punishments, Heaven and Hell that is written in this book on this one doctrine alone cannot be verified as Truth.One must believe it on a leap of faith,faith that what is written in the Bible about rewards and punishments, Heaven and Hell actually comes from the mouth of God.
Even so,an eternity in Hell for being bad would not be Just.Nor could you earn an eternity in Heaven for being good.Fear would be the overriding motive to avoid Hell.Love would have nothing to do with it.
I know that many do put faith in the Bible and it's teaching about the doctrine of Heaven and Hell.And many don't.I am one who does not base what I believe on what the Bible is reported to have said comes from the mouth of God.
Blueblades,of the Doubting Thomas class.