Does this sum it all up?

by Deleted 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • Deleted

    Charles Taze Russell Founder of Watch Tower Magazine, whose followers later formed the Jehovah's Witnesses

    Charles Taze RussellThe deliverance of the saints must take place some time before 1914.
    -- Charles Taze Russell, Studies in the Scripture, vol. 3, 1910 edition, quoted from David Milsted, The Cassell Dictionary of Regrettable Quotations (1999)

    The deliverance of the saints must take place some time after 1914.
    -- Charles Taze Russell, Studies in the Scripture, vol. 3, 1923 edition, quoted from David Milsted, The Cassell Dictionary of Regrettable Quotations (1999)

  • Euphemism

    Well, the site is wrong on one count... a quote from a 1923 edition can't very fairly be attributed to Russell!

    That does sum up the history of the Watchtower as a whole, however. (And Russell's own views on 1914 did not stay consistent, either.)

    P.S. On second thought, Rutherford did claim that Russell was directing the publications from beyond the grave, didn't he? So maybe we can blame Russell for that quote after all!

  • Farkel

    There is a lot more to Russell than a few quotes. He was a thorough and disgusting lying, egomaniacal scumbag. I will present much evidence for this shortly. You dubbies won't like it. Your "most gentle" Watchtower leader was every bit the scumbag that the people who succeeded him were.


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