Trying to introduce my Brother

by Obviously Secret 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Obviously Secret
    Obviously Secret

    I am seriously going to try to get my brother here after I talk to him a bit. He has stopped coming to the meetings for a while now and he is super opened minded, however, I still think he has a little faith in the truth still. I know it will be hard for him to realise that his life was a lie now come on. So if he comes here just try to show him some respect and talk to him nicely and stuff. But I wanted to ask you guys something.

    How should I approach him about coming here? And what kinds of stuff should I expose him to around this site? just need some oppinions, anythings welcomed.

  • Gadget

    Do you talk to him much about jws? I would try talking to him about something, just in ordinary conversation, then a few days later send an email telling him of something you found that is connected with what you were talking about, giving a link to something on this site. If he reads that and likes it, he'll probably start looking round here to see what else there is.

  • Obviously Secret
    Obviously Secret

    No I Was planning to call him today and tell him to start talkin with me over msn or something so we can kind of get into it. Then I'll show him my big secret or what not.

  • Steve Lowry
    Steve Lowry

    He'll be ok. Just let him discover the site for himself. You can't 'protect' folks from the big bad world out there. And if a questioning JW is gonna venture out of the confines of the Watchtower Society, then I think this is a pretty tame site for his first attempt. People around here are very encouraging, but if he spouts out JW rhetoric then he's gonna find out real fast about how folks feel about the Watchtower Society. And hey, that's the way it otta be.

  • EyeDrEvil

    Depending on your personality and your relationship with your brother... If it is natural and wouldn't seem forced or fake, let him know that you have found a GREAT website, with tons of useful stuff. Your enthusiasm and honesty will convince him that it is a safe place to be!

    And of course, we'll play nice when he comes in!

    Good Luck!


  • Obviously Secret
    Obviously Secret

    Hmm I need to start talkin to him more get him confortable. I might play the "Tell the truth" game. Say something kind of true about you that ain't all too pretty. Might talk about the different things I don't like about the org. Then just pop up HEY THIS WEBSITE IS COOL!!!!

  • Nosferatu

    Let him explore the site on his own. Just point him in this direction. Just tell him that you found this place interesting, and give him the link in an email. He'll come to his own conclusions.

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