Dub spotting

by FreeWilly 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • FreeWilly

    Ever since I 'de-troofed' myself I've taken quite a bit of pleasure in spotting JW's when I'm out and about. I'm getting pretty good at it too. I'm on my way home from work when I notice this white van turn in front of me. The guy was wearing a tie, he has a window washing sign on the van, and it was 7:15 pm on a Thursday night. I think to myself, that's a Dub. There's a Kingdom Hall a few miles up and sure enough he pulls into the almost full lot.

    At a Restaurant I spyed on a group until the Pizza arrives. Sure enough all of them do the obligatory pre-meal public prayer quickie. You know what it looks like, it's that sheepish 5 second, pause-and-look-down-so-all-the-other-Dubs-know-you-always-say-your-prayer routine. I even caught one of them taking a bite, then doing the stop-chewing-and-pray-cuz-you've-been-busted bit.

    What a hoot! My girlfiend thinks I'm nuts though.

  • johnathanseagull

    Hehehehe way to funny....yeah I do a bit of Dub spotting myself, here in Germany street witnessing is popular, but usually the ones I see walk down the high street with their Watchtower mags rolled up and usually combine it with a bit off shopping, I kid you not.....they make NO attempt to talk to people.......last Saturday I passed a JW standing in the street with just one Mag held up, no bible, book bag anything, hilarious lol. I passed him three times, eye contact was made but not a hint of him making a witness to me......Sheeeesh the WT just cant get the staff these days lol


  • exjdub

    You are nuts...but so are the rest of us! Nobody will ever completely understand unless they have been absorbed by the dubs (or had loved ones absorbed) and then been able to escape.

    stop-chewing-and-pray-cuz-you've-been-busted bit.

    Nothing like dub watching...That obviously was the "spiritually weak" one because he/she didn't want to humiliate themselves publicly, but the pressure to conform was too great. Resistance is futile.


  • obiwan

    Yeah, the little woman and I were out with her sister and did the same thing. We went for some ice cream. As we passed a mini van four people exited the van one older woman, one young woman, one older gentleman, and a middle aged man. It was about 1:30 on Sunday. I called it....witnesses at 12:oo o'clock. Sure enough, as we were eating ice cream ( and talking about the jw's and child molestation ), we could hear them talking about the Watchtower and gossiping about "weak ones". What a hoot, I can spot a dubby a mile away.

  • Evesapple

    In the city they are everywhere, I saw one man doing his street work at the bus stop on the corner, a group doing door to door in the area, I was pushing my son in his stroller, one of the JW's handed me a track, same old track...the New World one....I just took it and walked on. Some lady and her kids approached my daughter and I on the 'El' tracks, the kids were little and were trying to hug my daughter, the lady said 'they're just so used to being around their brothers and sisters at the Kingdom Hall and everyone hugs' but she wouldn't stop talking, so we walked away, very wierd.

  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny
    It's the sweetest thing.I choose to take the "message" to them.It always gets their rapt attention.

    Danny in front of
    Maine courthouse
  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny
    It's the sweetest thing.I choose to take the "message" to them.It always gets their rapt attention.

    Danny in front of
    Maine courthouse
  • johnathanseagull

    Danny....you rock man......respect


  • Swan

    Spotting them is so easy! Spotting "apostates" is hard. I remember how difficult my first few Meetups were.



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