my roommate is from beunos aries and drinks this stuff, i only recently tried it. it is not bad, smells a very lightly like tobacco to me. tastes pretty good and seems to be much better for you than caffeine.
Mateine appears to possess the best combination of xanthine properties possible.
For example, like other xanthines, it stimulates the central nervous system, but unlike most, it is not habituating or addicting. Likewise, unlike caffeine, it induces better, not worse, attributes of sleep.
It is a mild, not a strong, diuretic, as are many xanthines. It relaxes peripheral blood vessels, thereby reducing blood pressure, without the strong effect on the medulla and heart exhibited by some xanthines.
We also know that it improves psychomotor performance without the typical xanthine-induced depressant after effects.
Dr. Jose Martin, Director of the National Institute of Technology in Paraguay, writes, New research and better technology have shown that while mate'ine has a chemical constituency similar to caffeine, the molecular binding is different.
Mateine has none of the ill effects of caffeine. And Horacio Conesa, professor at the University of Buenos Aires Medical School, states, There is not a single medical contraindication for ingesting mate'.