Why the Watchtower should learn from Mormons

by metatron 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    I suppose some people would say that there's no such thing as a 'good' cult. However, it should be apparent

    that some cults are worse ( or better) than others.

    In the midst of my visit to an area with 'rich' Witnesses, it occurred to me that they imitated Mormons a bit, without

    any conscious intention of doing so. Witnesses and Mormons share:

    secretive organizations

    an us versus them mentality

    conservative values

    well concealed hypocrisies

    a ridiculous, silly-if-it-wasn't-taken-so-seriously theology

    door to door zeal

    rule by a group of elderly males who decide what truth is for the 'sheeple'

    and so on.

    The differences ,however, are that the Mormons have a solid INFRASTRUCTURE to perpetuate themselves.

    They have a social welfare system, schools, strong belief in education and prosperity, and a more deliberate

    doctrine of progressive revelation. If blacks protest, a revelation appears that makes them equal and not 'cursed'

    - and everyone buys into it! They DO MORE for young people and families, also - instead of just condemning

    and df'ing wayward kids.

    The Watchtower could learn a lot from the Mormons. The meanspirited side of me is somewhat glad they aren't!


  • Bubbamar

    I think they do DF kids??

    Another similarity that I read about is that both organizations were both funded and started Freemasons. Hmm - I don't know if that's true or not - but interesting.

    I just saw a movie called "Latter Days." Its about a Mormon gay boy. I could really feel his pain - there really are a lot of similarities in the 2 cults. And he did get ex-communicated or whatever they call it.

  • got my forty homey?
    got my forty homey?

    Just read a article in the Daily News about thier missionaries, they preach door to door and conduct studies from 6:30AM to 10:30Pm everyday. No music, TV, or fun. At least in Bethel we had a few hours to listen to rap music! The article also stated that they rent Jehovah Witness halls for thier meetings, didn't specify which one however.

  • cyber-sista

    When they are on their missions in Hawaii they aren't allowed to go swimming. What torture. Most of them are quite pudgy from lack of exercise and tto much local cuisine.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    I go to "R" rated movies with some of my morman friends.... although selective in which ones they go to, they don't get all weirded out just because it's "R".

  • 4JWY

    A Mormon friend of my son's recently had a very large spread/interview/photos of himself in a sports magazine - great article - BUT - the kid is on a mission for two years and is NOT ALLOWED to see/read the issue during this time. Nor allowed to participate in his sport - he will lose his sponsors and come home to have to start all over in his dream to be a pro. He's on the mission for his parents sake. Control is rampant there too.

  • galaxy7

    when we lived in alaska we had a house on a lake the mormon missionaries would sneek away and go swimming

    they had a ball. we made a barbecue played the piano in the evening, they were alot of fun.

    i liked the year supply of food idea and they had giant gardens where you could harvest the vegetables and they would teach you how to can vegetables..

    they have strange beliefs but are very nice people not as condeming as the JWS

  • TMS

    Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses are very dissimilar.

    I recently had a nice discussion with two Mormon "elders" while walking my dog. The two LDS young men were very personable and sincere, not unlike two young pioneer JW's. We spoke about the controlling aspects of both religions, but, I explained the more difficult path young JW's are expected to take. Young Mormons do not face the extra-curricular restraints young JW's do. They lead very normal lives and if in the Utah, Idaho area, most of their peers are of like faith.

    Young Mormon missionaries return home after their two year missionary stint to resume normal lives, including university education, business pursuits and community acceptance.


  • hooberus

    I don't believe that the Mormon missionaries are allowed to be alone (away from their partner) at any time during their two years on their mission. Imagine being with someone else 24hours/7days/52weeks/2years

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