Creative Loafing Article:

by Xandria 5 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Xandria

    I know a writer here and they have always strived to uncover the truth, so much so they are on the S-list of the Politicians. To my fellow North Carolinians and East Coasters.. stay tuned. Tara Servatius has a year worth of poop on many subjects. She already wrote a scathing article about the Schools here.

    An.. Myrtle Beach.. a Litter Box ?!


  • exjdub


    Very powerful stuff indeed. I love the titles too, they just pull you right into the story. I thought that they were right on point about Myrtle Beach. I wonder how long the writer will be alive though? One day you might pick up the paper and read that the writer had an accident and is no longer with us.


  • maybesbabies

    Wow sis, that's very moving. My heart aches for the soldiers and the innocents being killed in Iraq.

  • Xandria

    I know one of the writers and she packs a gun, due to the threats she has had. I can only imagine what other writers do to protect themselves. She and I, see eye to eye and I can understand why she protects herself. We too, have taken steps to protect ourselves too. Being in the media eye and dealing with the Cemetery has brought good things. But there are people who wish to protect thier special interests, in these deals. Thus far, we have only had called threats. They are surprized when I call them by name and repeat thier phone no.'s back to them. We have caller I.D., live in a secure building etc. Besides that, we have the support of many wonderful people.

    But, there comes a time to speak up and out. I know people who are losing property, freedoms, and rights over these matters. Unfortunately, things like Agenda 21 and "Smart Growth" is coming to other cities too. Right now, it is a testing ground here in the Carolinas.

    Just look up the terms: Agenda 21 and Smart Growth in a search. I have met the people who are personally being affected by these plans. It has devestated some financially. I just hope we can make a difference.


  • gespro

    Very Intense Article Xandria

    It's dangerous to speak the real truths. We're listening. It confirms what kind of people there are in power. I admire these people for speaking out about the atrocities. Genocide on that side of the earth is growing. Sudan is going to get worse [30,000 gone and a projected 800,000 will perish].

    I can't believe people like the Micheal Moores of the world are still walking around! It's getting scarier out here...


  • Simon

    That first account is the guy I heard on the radio some time ago - described the same things, killing innocent people over and over again. He described some of what was going on as being like genocide.

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