Nother Money Discussion

by Crooked Lumpy Vessel 0 Replies latest jw friends

  • Crooked Lumpy Vessel
    Crooked Lumpy Vessel

    There was a thread we discussed about financial arrangements at assemblies. According to several threads I deduced that if there is a surplus in donations, they go into a Circuit bank account. Over the years these accounts can accumulate to something like $100,000 (give or take). But when there is a deficit in donations during an assembly, rather than taking the money from the surplus gathered in previous years, they send a bill to the Kingdom Halls for their divided portion of the deficit. I remember this happening in my hall once.

    The following is a quote from DocBob....

    Each circuit's assemblies have to be accounted for separately. IOW if you run over on one, you can't carry the surplus over to the next one. The one time we came up short, we were told that we could not just take the money out of the circuit's bank account to cover the shortfall, but that the money had to come from the congregations. So a letter went out to the congregations telling them what their part of the shortfall was. All the while the circuit had money in the bank and several thousand dollar "on deposit with the Society" - meaning we were giving the WTS an interest free loan.

    Now it has me wondering how the Disctrict Conventions are done. Anyone have any light to shed.

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