there is hardly anyone posting and NO ONE in chat! Are you all at the meeting tonight? HA! Just kidding! I am home alone and BORED this evening!
Ok, it's Thursday night and.....
by copsec 6 Replies latest social humour
Yes, I'm at the meeting. I brought along my laptop for entertainment. Brother Anocsnart's talk went over-time. What a loser! He got "tapped" off the stage. Oh, gotta go, we're just about to stand up and sing "Make the troof your own".
Is BORED tooooooooooooooooooo
lol @ Nosferatu
Still got that bottle of tekillya, Cops?
Yep, I am saving it for a special night. One of those God, I am so depressed I am going to drink myself to death nights. LOL! Actually, as boring as this evening is, I may just HAVE to start drinking!
LOL @ Nos, and that's what I thought too. "Its Thurs night, are you at the KH?" ha. blech!
SaturdayThursday night and I ain't got nobody I got some money 'cause I just got paid Now how I wish I had someone to talk to I'm in an awful way I got in town a month ago, I've seen a lot o'girlsmen since then If I could need 'em I can get 'em But yet I haven't met 'em That's how I'm in the state I'm in, oh AnotherSaturdayThursday night and I ain't got nobody I've got some money 'cause I just got paid Now how I wish I had someone to talk to I'm in an awful way, mmm Anotherfellawoman told me, she had asisterbrother who looked just fine Instead of being my deliverance, he had a strange resemblance To a cat named Frankenstein, ooh la AnotherSaturdayThursday night and I ain't got nobody I've got some money 'cause I just got paid Now how I wish I had someone to talk to I'm in an awful way It's hard on afellawoman when she don't know her way around If I don't find me a honey to help me spend my money I'm gonna have to blow this town, oh no AnotherSaturdayThursday night and I ain't got nobody I've got some money 'cause I just got paid Now how I wish I had someone to talk to I'm in an awful way AnotherSaturdayThursday night and I ain't got nobody... I'm in an awful way...(She's in an awful way...)