ok all of you have you heard anything of the date 2010? a couple of friends came over and drank some beers with me during a sac kings game and one of them whose brother just returned from bethel spoke to jim about the year 2010 as a possible time of the end..our conversation started because of some pbs commercial of the aztec calander ending in 2010, it sparked my friend jim to comment about it during the post game show... my other friends began talking about it also...i guess i have lack of faith i stuck with the notion it was a farse. do all of you think it is true the org has captured another date to focus on to keep the members busy?
year 2010?
by the mole 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I thought it was 2034. Maybe there are so many people that the first end will be 2010 and the second will be 2034. Ya ,,that's it.
its just misinformed r&f speculation. the mayan year is 2012.
aaawww, I dunno, its only a couple of days until Venus lines up with Earth and the Sun and with the end of the universe, apparently.
Pleasuredome is correct. The Mayan Calendar ends with the year 2012.
new light
Shamans the world around point to 2012, and have done so for centuries. If you are really concerned with end-time prophecies, look in that direction, and forget those charlatans at Bethel.
sounds like covering all the bases to me 2014, 2010, 2034 - 1975, 1925 yes, yes, yes, yawn , yawn
I posted this on another thread but I'll post it here again because it is quite similar:
2034 is too far away to be useful for the borg. Here is a new theory. September 11, 2005. In 66 C.E. it appeared that the "end of the system of things" was occuring to the Jewish nation. However, it wasn't until 4 years later that that system actually came to an end. On September 11, 2001 a great "wake up call" occured. And for a brief moment meeting attendance went up and everyone was all excited about what would happen next. Well, just like 66 C.E. to 70 C.E., the past four years has been the time for God's people to, "flee to the mountain" of Jehovah's organization. Spread the word. A little more than a year is left, before the "Roman armies" of today return and bring this modern day "system of things" to an end. In fact, the old understanding about "this generation" turns out to be correct after all. The generation was just 90 years long rather than 80.
Or what about this theory. Jesus is called "the second Adam" in the Bible. This tells us that, like Jesus, Adam spent at least 33 years of his life here on earth as a single man. This gave Adam plenty of time to name all of the animal's and plenty of time for him to realize that he was alone. This is new light just recently revealed to/from the "faithful slave." Now as we all know, 1975 marked 6,000 years from the date of Adam's creation, however our new understanding about how long Adam was alone before Eve was created means that we need to add at least 33 years to the chronology of man's existence on this planet. That would mean that instead of 6,000 years of man's existence being completed in 1975 that instead this would be accomplished 33 years later in 2008. Does this mean that the end will occur in 2008? Not necessarily. It is important to remember that the last days of the Jewish system of things lasted 37 years (33 - 70 C.E.) not 33 years. It is interesting to note though that 33 years into those last days it appeared that the end had come in 66 C.E. However, for some unknown reason the troops that had surrounded the city withdrew and did not return for 4 years, in 70 C.E. So while it may seem that the climax may have been reached in 2008 there may be a period of testing which will last around 4 years that will "sift out" all of the unfaithful. That puts us at 2012. Of course, it could come just one year or two years later instead of four. After all we're told to "KEEP" on the watch. At this time the following statement is finally due:
"Just think, brothers, there are only about ninety months left before 6,000 years of man?s existence on earth is completed. Do you remember what we learned at the assemblies last summer? The majority of people living today will probably be alive when Armageddon breaks out,..." (Our Kingdom Ministry, March 1968 p. 4)
So quickly now, everyone go out and sell your houses and spend the remaining time in the preaching work. . . . . again!
If you or I spend enough time thinking about it we could come up with a theory for every year between now and 2100 for when the Bible indicates the end will come but the Scriptures themselves says: "But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only." (Matthew 24: 36) So whether earth shaking events occur in 2005, 2008, 2012 or 2034 they will occur on God's timetable and no one will be able to forecast it with any calculation or chronology. The main thing for anyone who considers himself to be a Christian is this: "Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect." (vs. 44)
I will admit though, it is pretty easy to take oneself pretty seriously when one comes up with such theories. No wonder Russell and Rutherford and Franz did it so often. It no doubt did a lot for their egos to come up with theories that were followed by so many. If my new theory developed a following I suppose I would also think I was "faithful and discreet." If new dates are set by the borg I suppose it will be to attain that same sense of power and authority that the former leaders also developed a taste for.
By the way, I had heard of the 2034 theory before while I was at Bethel. Just the usually overly zealous Bethel elders who are all GB wanna be's. I never heard it mentioned officially from any GB members or anyone with any real clout or authority out there. But who knows maybe it was just grapevine trickling down.
"No one knows when it will come"
"here are the signs and prophecy"
What a load of twaddle. The Bible is an incoherent and contradictory piece of crap ... I think we're better working on the here and now and the world we live in rather than daft clues in a fairy story.
erm ... mark me down as an athiest