I am writing a college report on JW and need information. I am trying to focus on the false ideas that non-JW's have about JW's and compare them to the truths. But...any info anyone can provide would be great!
by wilstaf 4 Replies latest jw friends
I am writing a college report on JW and need information. I am trying to focus on the false ideas that non-JW's have about JW's and compare them to the truths. But...any info anyone can provide would be great!
Here ya go. This is a great place to start!
Have fun.
PS, you can also go to http://www.watchtower.org for the Troof.
But at this discussion board, you will learn about the truth of the "Troof".
Edited to add: Yikes, didn't read clearly the line about ideas from NON-jws. Where's mah head? Thanks, jgnat, for picking up the ball.
I, too, am annoyed when people report misinformation about the Witnesses. There is certainly enough flaws in the organization that we don?t have to repeat rumor, misinformation, and urban legends. Many Christian sites talk about Jehovah?s Witnesses, and how to address the doctrinal differences.
You may want to start here: http://www.jude3.net/JWFACT.HTM
Other links, see if you can spot the misconceptions:
Interesting, a Muslim Guide to Countering Jehovah?s Witnesses:
There are many, many more. This is just a sampling.
The United Nations acknowledges and decries the discrimination that Jehovah?s Witnesses and other religious groups experience. You will find a fairly comprehensive list in the document below. Use your search feature for that page and look up ?Jehovah?s?
Here is a handy timeline of WTBS truth:
Here?s a top 16 hit list that should fill out your paper nicely.
Jehovah's Witness/Russellism Founder: Charles Taze Russell, organized 1880
He sold his Men's Furnishing Store and set out to condemn the translators of the Bible and ministers for what they taught. He taught that the church belongs to the ecclesiastical wing of Satan's organization. He condemns the teaching of the church of all ages--only the JW's supposedly know the truth. (But Christ said that He would build His church and that the gates of hell shall not prevail against it)They are quite "friendly" and hold regular "Bible" studies and meetings which probably appeals to many.
Cult Tenets/Characteristics:
1. Jesus did not rise from the dead. Russell says His body either dissolved into gases or is still preserved somewhere. (Everything a Christian believes hangs on this one fact. Paul says, "If Christ be not risen, your faith is vain.")
2. God is not triune, i.e., Father, Son, and Holy Ghost (I John 5:7 says that there are three that bear witness in heaven: the Father, the Word and the Holy Ghost and these three are ONE).
3. No such thing as a hell of everlasting torment. Hell is just the grave. The wicked are simply annihilated. (See our article on hell for verses on hell)
4. Man has no spirit.
5. The Holy Ghost is not a person of the Godhead, just a "life force" of God. (yet He is called God in the Bible and is recorded speaking and commanding)
6. Mind control over members.
7. Man must work to be part of "God's system of things". I guess that refers to life in the hereafter but it certainly is not a Bible phrase. (the Bible says, "For by grace are ye saved through faith, and that not of yourselves. It is the gift of God, not of works lest any man should boast.")
8. 144,000 will live in heaven with God. (they take the 144,000 in Revelation out of context)
9. Fascination with 1) not taking blood transfusions, 2) knocking on doors (they say that's they way Jesus usually shared. No He didn't. The multitudes flocked to Him.), 3) calling God by His "personal name", Jehovah.
10. All dead people will have a second chance for eternal life at the millennium. If you do not prove worthiness at this time, you'll be destroyed. (the Bible says that it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment. no second chances)
11. The blood of Christ does not forgive sins, it gives us a "chance" to live again. They have NO assurance of salvation as JWs who supposedly know the truth. (The Bible says the blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth us from all sin. Common sense question--Why would God send His Son to die if there was another way to be saved?)
12. Jesus is the archangel Michael--a created being. (John 1:1, 14 says that Jesus is the Word who was in the beginning with God and was God. The Bible also says, "God was manifest in the flesh.")
13. Jesus is just an agent of God, nothing more.
14. Said Jesus' second coming occurred invisibly in 1874. Russell's successor, Rutherford, says this was confirmed by the creation of the first labor organization in 1874. (But the Bible says every eye will see Him. Utter nonsense.)
15. Russell said that in 1914 the millennium would occur and righteousness would be restored to the earth. As 1914 approached, he, and his successor, changed the date to 1915, 1916, 1924, 1928, and on and on to the present day! When you ask a JW about this, they'll give you the party line, "Well, the Watch Tower is reaching different levels of enlightenment." (If JWs believed the Bible, they'd know Russell was a false prophet. Deuteronomy 18:22 says, "When a prophet speaketh in the name of the LORD, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the LORD hath not spoken..."
16. They have many publications with interesting titles like, "Where are the Dead", "To Hell and Back Again", "Millions now living shall never die." They have slick, attractive pictures and topics. But many people do not stop to consider if these things are true and in accordance with the Bible. They pass 'em out everywhere.
I am writing a college report on JW and need information. I am trying to focus on the false ideas that non-JW's have about JW's and compare them to the truths. But...any info anyone can provide would be great!
Do you mind telling us what kind of course you are taking? If it's for a history of religions class, for instance, you would probably approach the topic in a different way than if you were writing it for a psychology or sociology class.
May I ask if you have any family background or personal acquaintance with JW's? I was curious about your focus being on "the false ideas that non-JW's have about JW's." As a non-JW who has had a lot of experience meeting with JW's, my personal observation is that the "false ideas" thing cuts both ways ... plenty of JW's have lots of false ideas about Christians and "Christendom" because they've been presented with such a slanted picture in the Kingdom Hall. (Christians and Christendom really tend to be demonized in WT literature.)
You say you want to compare the false ideas (that non-JW's have about JW's) with "the truths". But how are you going to decide what the truth is? How will you know for sure if an opinion held by a non-JW is really a false idea? You might want to think about the somewhat surprising idea that the non-JW or ex-JW may actually be a better source of what "the truth" is, since the JW is going to feel obligated to paint a rosy picture and defend his religion by putting a good spin on things.
For instance: suppose a non-JW had the idea that JW's are members of a high-control religious organization, and that JW's must follow the rules laid down by the local elders and Governing Body or suffer the consequences. Is this a false idea about JW's or a true idea? How would you decide? If you ask the JW or if you consult JW literature, you would probably be told that individual JW's follow their conscience and that no one forces them to be a member or follow certain rules, etc. In other words, they would tell you that the non-JW has a "false idea" about JW's being members of a high-control group.
However, the non-JW or ex-JW might be able to explain what they mean by "high-control" (as defined by behavioral scientists or religious historians) and give examples of "high-control" incidents which would demonstrate that theirs is actually not a false idea.
As Bebu said, there's the so-called "Troof" and then there's the truth about the "Troof" <s>.
Good points. I am writing this for a sociology class and I guess I'd really like the truth of the troofs. Therefore, an ex-Witness or an educated non-Witness would have the info that I'm looking for.
My husband's 94 year old grandmother is a JW but she is out of state, in a home, and hard of hearing...sharp mind but not able to chat with her on the phone. Also, my ex-niece is a JW but she is only 8 years old and I don't want to get too involved with it at her age. I am going to call my ex-sister-in-law (she is a non but her 1st ex-husband is a Witness) and I'm hoping to get some good info from her.