My daughter's friend is excited about their upcoming convention.
She's been told there are many changes coming from Jehovah (thru
the FDS.)
Anybody know what these "changes" might be?
Convention news
by Liberated 8 Replies latest jw friends
As far as has been reported thus far the "new" stuff is:
The rank and file don't work hard enough.
The rank and file don't study enough.
The rank and file don't listen enough.
Basically, they aren't good enough.
And...expect the is coming real soon now!
'To avoid criticism, say nothing, do nothing, be nothing'
: My daughter's friend is excited about their upcoming convention.
She's been told there are many changes coming from Jehovah (thru
the FDS.)This is a good example of the double-think dubs routinely practice. On one hand they tell everyone and even themselves how wonderful everything about their religion is. They tell everyone that they have advanced so far up the spiritual totem-pole that they might as well be at the top, especially since God has been "feeding" the FDS for two thousand years. I'm how long does it take for your average FDS to get something right? Isn't two thousand years of practice quite enough? NO!
They eagerly look forward to MANY CHANGES every single summer at the District Convenctions. They did thirty and forty years ago when I was a dub and they are doing it four whole decades later. This is typical dub double-think: everything is so peachy-wonderful in our faith, AND I just CAN'T WAIT for MANY CHANGES to be announced each and ever summer for the rest of my natural life.
Doesn't this tell us that silently they must acknowledge that their religion teaches and practices piles of spiritual shit?
It tells me that.
Liberated wrote:
> Anybody know what these "changes" might be?
Changes in the Theocratic Ministry School, maybe: -
The main changes announced at the conv. had to do with the future release of a new book for the Theocratic Ministry School, and a number of format changes in the school. Also released was the 2nd volume of the Isaiah book. Everything else was the same as always. Though there was quite an emphasis on loyalty to Jehovah and the org. over loyalty to family or friends.
I posted (as LMR) some fairly extensive notes about each day of the convention in three separate threads 2-3 weeks ago. If you would like to read them, you can find them here:
Fri: -
Farkel, what an excellent and to the point explaination. I've never heard it put that way and boy! when you're right, you're right!
Slipnslidemaster: "The truth is more important than the facts."
- Frank Lloyd Wrighthmmmmm...where have I heard that before?
Good Morning, just checking in to see the news.
Thanks for the replies.
Thirdson...thanks, that's what's always been new, isn't it. Treated like mushrooms, kept in the dark and fed garbage.
Farkel...thanks for the historical viewpoint. Has to be some kind of arm bending to get them to look forward to three days of sitting and yawning. My notes always went off the page in the afternoon and were never looked at again.
Osarif....thanks for the link. I haven't read it yet but I will.
Truman....Thank you!! I looked through all the pages for those threads and couldn't find them, so I decided to ask outright.
Not that I want to burst anyone's enthusiasm bubble, and my daughter pretty much figured it would be same-old same-old, I just wanted to confirm it for her.
Thanks again, Libby
I never thought of it that way! - teriffic 'historical' conclusion. So simple, and so true. Thanks.
Truman, when I read your 'convention' postings, I was shaking my head at the 'sameness' of it, coupled with Farkel's comments, I'm just LOL. :)
Liberated, Do you think your daughter's friend is going to be disappointed? Just reinforcement of the usual, eh?...last days, get out in service more, forget higher education, pioneer,
stay away from apostates and internet.
It's really just the same, tired, old 'LIST' with a few descriptive words to tie it all together. LOL LOL -
Zazu....I think she's going to use the loyalty "oath" to make my daughter feel guilty about me, but she can't do too much because her own brothers are df'd and my daughter will have that as a come back. They still have association with the two df'd ones and their children so they can't say too much about my daughter's relationship with me....I disassociated in March and am relieved not to have to sit through another meeting, assembly, or convention of the wt sort.
(thinking if I'm going to sit for that long let it be in front of my computer!!)