Hello, dear one... and may you have peace!
You are right, I did say you could call me anything... as long as you did it with love. And I should'a KNOWN you would take me up on it. But I KNOW... you have 'nuthin' but love' for me.
May I suggest, however, that you cease and desist with this particular form of 'pet' names? You see, some might question your 'love' in this manner and 'see' your name-calling in a different light: he's mocking her and she don't even know it. And although far be it from ME... to question your motive and intent (I think I know you well enough by now)... I cannot let you publicly refer to me in such ways... as it IS offensive.
It is not a truly 'loving' thing to do, no matter how much WE understand one another... and understand what such words mean in YOUR 'language'.
So... CUT IT OUT! Or I will be FORCED get... 'Aunt Jemima' on your hiney. And truly, you don't want that, dear one.
Your 'wife' and friend,