I just finished watching a documentary entitled, "Live Forever". (No intentional JW reference there..) It was about the time period in the early 90's to about 97 when Britpop was huge.
I've been listening to a lot of music from that period lately. Early Stone Roses, Pulp, etc...The whole Britpop thing went pretty much unnoticed here, actually a fellow bethelite introduced me to a lot of it..he snuck out to see Echobelly when they played in NYC!
It was pretty interesting. I was fascinated by the Blur/Oasis rivalry along class lines. Blur being presented as upper-middle class musicians and Oasis the rougher working class band. Was this mostly media fabrication?
There was a lot of commentary on a general feeling of giddy enthusiasm for the labour party, and the end of the conservative rule. Was this a reality for you? If you were a JW at the time, was it a big deal? Did the whole 'neutrality' ideal come into play?
I'm interested in your experience during that time period...