I Wanna Be Just Like Michael Moore!!!!

by ColdRedRain 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • ColdRedRain

    Well, the part of him that makes documentries. I'm not so sure about becoming overweight and neo-communist.

    On a bikeride today, I was thinking how I could make a documentry about the dubs. The only things that are halting that idea right now are that I need a new camera,a site to host the movie and I also need to have a cameraman. I was thinking that if I made the movie, I can have my costs offset by selling the movie to somebody like John Enroth or some other anti-cult specialist. I also need volunteers to appear in my movie, preferably from Minnesota.

    Other than that, I have the formula for the documentry (UN Scandal, False Prophecies, Cultic Behavior.)

    Has anybody done that before on this board or elsewhere?

  • ozziepost

    Hey, what's wrong with that?!!!!!!

    Ozzie (of the feeling provocative class)

  • ColdRedRain

    There's something wrong with it when you want to make money off of your documentries like I do.

    Digital cameras and video software are expensive!

    *****Lee of the "I wanna make money" class*****

  • Elsewhere

    I tried to watch a few of his "The Awful Truth" dvd's... well, one thing was true about it, it was AWFUL. The man never tried to actually uncover anything or teach anything, he just went around harassing people and throwing wrenches in the workings of companies.

    Not once did I see him do anything productive... all he ever did was destroy.

    On a side note, something I found very odd about his show was how he would open it on a stage in front of a filled auditorium and do a monolog. This is just bad form for doing a ?documentary?.

  • ColdRedRain

    But what do you think about the idea of making a documentry exposing the Dubs and selling it to Enroth?

  • dolphman

    I've made two documentaries as well as a feature film, which is now playing in several film festivals. The website is www.mcbeerbong.com

    What you need is some basic camera equipment and an editing system. You'll want to at least have a 3CCD camera, which means 3 chip. Most cameras they sell in electronic stores are the 1 chip variety. 3CCD is entry level prosumer type. A Canon GL1 (Which is what I use) on EBAY goes for about a 1000.00. A Sony PD-150 or CANON XL-1 range from 2000-5000. Anything less and your movie will look like home video, i.e. shit.

    Also, you'll need an editing system like Adobe Premeire. I use Final Cut Pro, since I'm an Apple user.

    Once you do that, you'll need to be an honest and thought provoking director, and not a one sided neo communist like Michael Moore. In an recent interview with a US senator approached by Michael Moore during the filming of Farenheight 911, the US senator was pissed that MM had cut out an important bit of his dialouge during the interview. Apparently MM didn't like the answer he gave when asked whether he had a son fighting in Iraq. When he said he did, MM cut it out.

    Michael Moore can be just as hypocritical as the right wing republicans he hates so much. Not to mention I can't stand looking at such a fat ugly f*ck for 90 minutes.

  • L_A_Big_Dawg

    Do you mean make a film full of half-truths, lies and propaganda?

    Don't the J-Dubs have a film like that already?

    Or do you mean actually making a documentary that portrays the truth of the internal workings of the Borg?


  • Englishman


    Lots of people get confused as to the correct way to spell the name "Michael". Or is it Micheal?

    Easiest way to remember is that the "a" and the "e" are in alphabetical order.


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