Has anyone seen this before?
JW's on Ripoff.com
by TweetieBird 9 Replies latest jw friends
i hadn't, but it's an interesting article, try telling it to a jw and they will just speel off how the nwt is the best translation of the bible in existence. how irritating.
Peraonally I think the emphasis on the credentials of the JW translators is misplaced, an artifact of academia, if you will. On the otherhand, the academic investigation of the standards of scholarship that went into the translation is worthy and accurately condemnatory. It should stand or fall on its own merits, regardless of the credentials of the "committee" and clearly it fails that test.
I gave up trying to read the first Rebuttal. Interesting use of the English language.
Ignored One.
There are a lot of other places that are wrong than the ones they listed. I've been doing a lot of studying into this subject lately. Some of the discrepancies are horribly off. I think they have a lot of nerve to completely disregard the last passage in the bible which is very straightforward. God warns specifically about adding to or taking away from any part of the bible.
Much of this information is printed in a book about Cults that my MIL brought over for me to read. I was really angry, but then relieved to know that I wasn't crazy!
And look at the Dubbies try so hard to "Debunk" him.
Not only are they not on the same page when it comes to reasoning, they're not even on the same book, subject and language.
Are you bint because maby they have higher standards on not praising one person over another? As for your First bible verses, i felt that Checking a few types of bible's would help me understand what the fuss was all about. I went to Bible.com .
American Standard version Of the Holy Bible
5:4 Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; so neither can ye, except ye abide in me. 15:5 I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same beareth much fruit: for apart from me ye can do nothing. 15:6 If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and
Amplified Bible (AMP)John 15:4
4Dwell in Me, and I will dwell in you. [Live in Me, and I will live in you.] Just as no branch can bear fruit of itself without abiding in (being vitally united to) the vine, neither can you bear fruit unless you abide in Me.
5I am the Vine; you are the branches. Whoever lives in Me and I in him bears much (abundant) fruit. However, apart from Me [cut off from vital union with Me] you can do nothing.
Where do these bible people come up with Union, does it not mean togetherness, are you trying to say that Christ will posses people?
Phill 2-10 and 12 Where every Knee will bow, is it not true that Jesus Christ is now King? And in Isaiah 45:23 that Jehovah is letting his then covent people know that he will still be in charge even though the other gods Bal and Nebo where very provaliant strong gods. You notice now that there is a new people of all nations toungs and tribes that are under Jesus as King.
I wonder who is more like Christ? Some one who only teaches to there established congrigation, or people whom not only model them selves after Christ, and do what Christ told them to- preach the good news to the entire inhabited world!
I am not in the job discription of recruiting, i am only an informer.Heck Im not even a Witness, yet.I just get the feeling that you are the one recruiting, posing your website and mailing address, which i know you ask for donations because I once appon a time used to get your mailer. I found that your words in your mailer where not factual, and that You dissed other religions instead of mearly comparing them. It seems that you have a Chip on your sholder. Could it be that you have been rightly dissfelloshiped? I see alsorts of people online dissing JW, and Mormans, and more than most are Dissfelloshiped.. well no wonder! DUH? Am i seeing a pattern.
You have the right to let people know that Jws can prove there case, "smoke screen"? I dont think so. Oh and thank you for letting people know that they have more respect for there God than to put fame on them selves.
Whisper - modesto, California
U.S.A. -
franklin J
interesting..are any of us surprised?
They posted my rebuttal!
Although they didn't get my name right, I'm glad to see it's posted there.I've noticed the people that bashed your article either claim you have a lack of faith or claim that you're a disgruntled ex member with an agenda. None of them really debunk your claim.
As for another JW translation anomaly
Ex.3:14-15 reads, "And Elohim (Another name for God) said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and
That's how it's written in most bibles, yet in the JW bible, it's translated as "I shall prove to be as I shall prove to be".
Maybe it's because Jesus later said "
Before Abraham Was,
I AM" (Jn.8:58)"
In the JW bible, it's translated as "Before Abrhama was, I was", to something in that vein (I don't have the JW bible set before me.)
No reputable Bible translates "I AM" in any other way, except for bibles translated by Neo-Adventist Non-Trinitarians like the Church of God and other whackjob religions. (And guess who's the biggest Neo-Adventist Non Trinitarian church?)
A. Lee - Minneapolis, Minnesota