Just a thought

by dorothy 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • dorothy

    Hey, I just got an idea from a joke of Pinned Blouse...

    What do the dubbies think they're doing when they pass around the bread and wine? Jesus said to eat and drink of it but they pass it around and intentionally DON'T eat or drink, like an outright act of defiance or something. Hmmm....

  • iiz2cool

    They view themselves as "observers" unless they're "annointed". I thought it was just a tease, and always wanted to drink the wine as it went by. Knowing this, I'd have a bottle waiting for me at home. Sometimes we'd take the unleavened bread home afterward to eat. I liked it with hot salsa.


  • Pinned Blouse
    Pinned Blouse


    I'd have a bottle waiting for me at home. Sometimes we'd take the unleavened bread home afterward to eat. I liked it with hot salsa


  • gitasatsangha

    Rejection of the sacrament is basically what it is. It's hard to define someone as a Christian who willfully denies both the divine nature of Jesus AND does not take part in the "body" and "blood". I am saying this as someone who is not a christian, but looking from the outside in. There has to be some way to define a person of religion. With that in mind, I don't think you can call JW's Christian at all. If anything they are antichristian, and have a belief system that seems to have more in common with the Dualistic spiritual struggles of Zoroastrianism, with a bit of doomsday cult gingerbread tacked on.

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