Okay, share the experiences you've had with horrible computer software. I'll start:
At work, we are FORCED to use a piece of software called Winbiller. Now, Winbiller may have been a great idea. It's basically a timesheet program that is installed on everyone's remote computer, and you enter your times for specific jobs, so the big guys in the front can calculate how much to charge the customer, and process your timesheets so you can get paid!
Now, for a while, before I got a computer in my work area, I was writing all my times down on paper, which worked fine. Then I get a computer, with Winbiller installed! Here's where the frustration started.
First of all, if you make a mistake on your times, you have to ask someone in the front office to change it for you. It was easy messing up your time because Winbiller tried to make it impossible for you to have 2 "am"s or "pm"s. However, if you type in your start time at "10:00 pm" and your end time at "11:00 am", it would enter your time for 13 hours on that particular job. The people in the front get pissed off when you do this.
Whenever something went wrong, and it would quite randomly, you'd get a box that says "An error has occurred, and Winbiller is writing to the log file. Would you like to read the log file?" Of course, I click no. Then, another window pops up, "Would you like to email a bug report". I click no. Then, sometimes, the whole process would repeat itself after I clicked the second "no", and would get a stream of me clicking "no".
Then, there was my favorite bug. It would automatically switch to "pm" when you entered "12:00", unless you typed alt-s to save your entry. You'd then get the log and bug report windows, and then it would say "task recorded". It resulted in the people in the front office seeing negative times for your entry.
Clicking a button that shouldn't be working resulted in the log and bug report windows
Then, the task list got full. If you tried to enter a new task, the program would crash, and someone would have to repair the database. If you delete tasks, then you mess up all the records of everyone's timesheets.
I found a "fix" to the log and bug report windows by making the log file "read only".
Apparently, the new version sucks even more. Winbiller is by far, the worst piece of shit excuse I've ever seen for useful software. Paper and pen work so much better, and faster.
So, what's your software problem?