I happen to bartend at one of those chain resturants, it's an ok job and is one of the few jobs that also allows me to go to school at the same time. As with an service job, the workforce is very transient, including even the managers. A few months ago we got a new manager that looked very familiar to me, like I had seen him before in my old JW circuit. At the time I just shrugged it off thinking I was going crazy. The one night I did casually drop the JW issue in conversation with him in a group discussion of employees, in fact I think we were just discussing religion in general and maybe someone else brought up JW's.
Anyways, his response to JW's was one of disgust, in fact he made a joke about them saying something like he would shoot at them if they came to his door. This made feel more at ease. However, just last night I found at that he is a JW because the other bartender overheard him requesting of Tue. and Thur. night and the reason he gave was religions reasons, and then more specifically that he is a JW. The other bartender knows that I used to be a JW and that they can be damaging to your life so he asked the manager about it. The manager said he had been out for awhile but he was trying to make an effort to get back in.
So, one of my managers is a JW and he knows that I was a JW, what to do? I will tread lightly, but I'm sure it will come up in conversation. For one thing, as a manager he probably works 60+ hours a week, so I'm not sure how serious he is about getting back in and it is very hard to set your schedule. Plus, from previous conversations that we had, I would never have figured him to be a JW from the things he has said. Well, I think I see some informal witnessing in my near future