Welcome, Wolfy!

by Maximus 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Maximus

    Wolfy's post is buried at the tail end of the Position on College Changed? thread, and I just didn't want anyone to miss it and taking the liberty of positioning it here. A warm welcome, Wolfy. We know where you are, and where you've been in JWdom. And yes, it does help when you vent. Many of us wish we had, much earlier.


    Posts: 2
    Since: Jun 22, 2001
    Re: Position on College Changed? Jun 22, 2001 11:01:09 AM

    I have had a similar experience...I thought I would give you what happened to me...

    I was a very serious young JW. I was made a MS at the age of 18. I grew up in a small congregation on the east coast of Canada.(I have since relocated). My father was an elder at our. He actually let me go to my Senior prom with a young sister in my hall..He got in alot of trouble for that one but I will always be grateful for it..:smile:

    I was working two jobs (one as a janitor...I know...don't laugh :smile:)
    I knew I did not want to do that the rest of my life but there was alot of pressure on me to go pioneering...It came mostly from the one's in the hall and my parents were urging me to go pioneering..I ended up going to Community College for a two year course in Accounting...Alot of people started talking...The elders were concerned about me...Anyways..It all came to a head when I had a part on the CA..You know..I gave my exerience and at the end I said that I would continue my witnessing efforts as I went to Community College...

    Man..The shit hit the fan...I was called into a meeting with the DO..Just the two of us and he informed me that I should not have given that expeience as I was pursuing secondary education...Asked me if I was a MS...Just shook his head and said I was not allowed to give my exerience at the assmebly the following weekend..I was so angry...I heard he chewed out the CO and blamed him...(The CO was a very intelligent man who used to work as a writer or reporter for a newspaper)...

    After that the pressure was unbearable...I said fine and quit..( I get so pissed off thinking about that now I almost start to shake)..I went regular aux and reg pioneering after that...Biggest mistake of my life..

    I left after a couple years..(Two of the brothers that I used to go out in service with all the time were arrested for stealing)....

    They had a going away party for me and one elder said...You will be back in 6 months...I told him not to count on it..Moved to Toronto and was not made an MS there as my hours were low..(I had 10 three months straight)..Said there wouldn't be an annoucement or anything..They lied..While I sat there in the hall they announced that I was no longer a MS....My buddy said I turned beet red and looked so angry..I was..I asked to speak to the PO after the meeting..I was very upset and all the reason he would give me is that I needed to go out in service more and they were concerned that I had quit pioneering..

    My parents called me a few years later..My dad opened his own business and had to hire and accountant...The guy he hired was one of my class-mates..Charged $50 hour...My parents called me to apologize and that they felt really bad about what happened...

    There is my experience..As for my kids..I am saving now and they will go to college or University and I couldn't give two shits what anyone says...

    Thanks for reading...It helps when you vent a bit..


    (I am a newbie ...IA and confused)

    "Always tell the truth. That way, you don't have to remember what you said."
    -Mark Twain

  • reagan_oconnor

    Wolfy, loved the post, glad you saw the light. Welcome aboard.

    ...I love your siggie from Mark Twain -- I'll have to remember that!


    "I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul."

  • ZazuWitts

    Hello Wolfy,

    What an interesting post. I'm glad you made your 'witnessing PLUS community college' statement at the assembly. Just maybe it let a lightbulb go on in someones head, and they were inspired
    to pursue further education!!

    The way they handled it, is another matter,...shameful. And, re the announcement you were no longer a MS, well, you are right...they were big LIARS.

    It was good to note the supportive call you later received from your parents; I'm sure you appreciated their effort.

    Welcome to the forum, and I am looking forward to your future posts.

  • think41self

    Hi wolfy

    Lot's of Canadian's hanging out on this cool board!

    Isn't it shameful how we ALL have a story of how the JW's messed our lives up...and the residual anger.

    We're here for you buddy, sounds like you are taking that anger and funneling it in a healthy direction, ie "my kids are going to college or University and I couldn't give two shits what anyone says".

    You go Wolfy.....wooohooo


  • waiting

    Hello Wolfy,

    Toronto's a popular spot, eh? I hear the people who live there love it & think it's the highlight of Canada - any truth to that rumor?

    You were treated shamefully, and in the usual *backroom* kind of scenario. The WTBTS says they don't have anything against further education in public - then damn the individual in private.

    I've heard from others that it's not always that way, but seems the predominate way they handle young persons.

    There's several here who take night courses and have gotten their degrees, just a little later than what would have been. I think they've gotten great personal satisfaction (and more money) by continuing. Perhaps that would help channel your anger?

    We've all got/had the anger for one reason or another it seems. And we all work through it - glad to hear you're going to raise your kids differently. You're parents were just doing what they had learned, like a lot of us. Oh well.

    Welcome - and take care.


  • Wolfy

    I am at work so I have to be quick...I just want to say thank you for listening and understanding...Sometimes you really feel alone and I will admit it scares the hell outta ya...

    I still struggle with alot of issues and I can talk to my wife about some of them..She would probably kick me out if she knew I was on here though :frowning: She was at the assembly today and I will probably get the low-down on all the info presented...

    I did feel a deep love at one time for the Society..JW et al...I know you are going to think I am very foolish but we are studying with an MS in our congregation..He knows that I harbour many doubts and disbelief in some core doctines...I told him to prove it too me..At least he listens to me and uses the Bible and not some JW lit..It's been interesting so far but the thing really is that I don't feel a love for it anymore...It doesn't sit right and I really get annoyed when I have to sit through a meeting...

    Why am I doing it...sigh......I have been a JW for almost 25years..It is ingrained in you that it is the "truth"...All my family is in it(except my brother)..My wife is a 4th generation wit...It's like...I feel they are very wrong on some things....but..I get that little voice in the back of my head that says...What If you are wrong?...And I do not like being wrong......It is just a very hard decision...

    I hope guys and gals don't mind if I hang out here ...Ask questions..give my opinion as well...Thanks for listening to my story..

    (BTW...In Toronto the cong. was full of you single pioneers...NO KIDS!Nadda...Most of the elders were of a high opinion of themselves but two of them I came to trust and to talk to...The were amazing..Unfortunatly both moved away:(..Shortly thereafter so did we
    Alot of visiting from the Can. Bethel...Problem came with the Portugese cong...disbanded it and many left..It was an us vs them attidue..Both thinking they were better then the other...)

    Well...dinner is over..gotta get back to work..



  • Tina

    Welcome Wolfy!!!
    This is the place to help sort thru issues. Im sorry about the way you were treated. Looking forward to your thoughts.regards,Tina

    psssssst BETHelMOle's the name

  • Roamingfeline

    Welcome to the board, Wolfy! Thanks for telling your story. I just know it will help someone else who will be struggling with the same situation. I know it happened to me, too. That 1969 article which was posted earlier was the one used on me to keep me out of going to college. It caused alot of hardships in my life, believe me!


  • Cautious

    Welcome Wolfy, hope you enjoy your visits to this board

    but..I get that little voice in the back of my head that says...What If you are wrong?...And I do not like being wrong......It is just a very hard decision...
    I think you will find that a lot of people here have felt or are feeling like this. These doubts are grey areas, and the WTS deals only in black and white. It took me a while to get used to dealing with these grey areas.

    Hope to hear more from you


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