Wolfy's post is buried at the tail end of the Position on College Changed? thread, and I just didn't want anyone to miss it and taking the liberty of positioning it here. A warm welcome, Wolfy. We know where you are, and where you've been in JWdom. And yes, it does help when you vent. Many of us wish we had, much earlier.
Posts: 2
Since: Jun 22, 2001
Re: Position on College Changed? Jun 22, 2001 11:01:09 AM
I have had a similar experience...I thought I would give you what happened to me...
I was a very serious young JW. I was made a MS at the age of 18. I grew up in a small congregation on the east coast of Canada.(I have since relocated). My father was an elder at our. He actually let me go to my Senior prom with a young sister in my hall..He got in alot of trouble for that one but I will always be grateful for it..
I was working two jobs (one as a janitor...I know...don't laugh )
I knew I did not want to do that the rest of my life but there was alot of pressure on me to go pioneering...It came mostly from the one's in the hall and my parents were urging me to go pioneering..I ended up going to Community College for a two year course in Accounting...Alot of people started talking...The elders were concerned about me...Anyways..It all came to a head when I had a part on the CA..You know..I gave my exerience and at the end I said that I would continue my witnessing efforts as I went to Community College...
Man..The shit hit the fan...I was called into a meeting with the DO..Just the two of us and he informed me that I should not have given that expeience as I was pursuing secondary education...Asked me if I was a MS...Just shook his head and said I was not allowed to give my exerience at the assmebly the following weekend..I was so angry...I heard he chewed out the CO and blamed him...(The CO was a very intelligent man who used to work as a writer or reporter for a newspaper)...
After that the pressure was unbearable...I said fine and quit..( I get so pissed off thinking about that now I almost start to shake)..I went regular aux and reg pioneering after that...Biggest mistake of my life..
I left after a couple years..(Two of the brothers that I used to go out in service with all the time were arrested for stealing)....
They had a going away party for me and one elder said...You will be back in 6 months...I told him not to count on it..Moved to Toronto and was not made an MS there as my hours were low..(I had 10 three months straight)..Said there wouldn't be an annoucement or anything..They lied..While I sat there in the hall they announced that I was no longer a MS....My buddy said I turned beet red and looked so angry..I was..I asked to speak to the PO after the meeting..I was very upset and all the reason he would give me is that I needed to go out in service more and they were concerned that I had quit pioneering..
My parents called me a few years later..My dad opened his own business and had to hire and accountant...The guy he hired was one of my class-mates..Charged $50 hour...My parents called me to apologize and that they felt really bad about what happened...
There is my experience..As for my kids..I am saving now and they will go to college or University and I couldn't give two shits what anyone says...
Thanks for reading...It helps when you vent a bit..
(I am a newbie ...IA and confused)
"Always tell the truth. That way, you don't have to remember what you said."
-Mark Twain