I guess when your religion is really a book selling/publishing empire then acts of worship are somewhat lacking. What I mean from that is, having experienced many different church services, I now remember JW services to be lacking in worship, ceremony, praise and joy. A meeting at the kingdom hall in comparison to other churches is like comparing fine home cooking to packet meals.
JW services are based on a packet formula. There is no individuality. A Sunday meeting of worship consists of 2 prayers, 3 songs, a sermon and a reading and rereading of corporate propaganda. The songs are pre-selected from a small list. There are no musicians (the music is pre-recorded) no choir, no choral anthems, no special arrangements and no music written by great composers. The sermon follows a set script and you?d be lucky (or fortunate) to hear anything that mentions any local happening or news event. The Watchtower magazine review is obviously a fixed script. The only part of a meeting where individuality and extemporaneous speech exists are in the prayers. Yet even those follow a set formula:
"Heavenly Father, thank for the occasion, brotherhood, spiritual food; bless the ministry and the Governing body; we remember the unnamed sick in our congregation and persecuted JWs somewhere else in an unnamed location; vindicate or sanctify your name and kill all the bad people soon; in-jesus-name-amen."