Anyone had the experience of nervously knocking on someone's door and talking about a "topic" and the householder has misunderstood why your there !
My experience:
Was on the door telling the householder about local politcs and how they all were the same in their views and that no party has the solution to end the problems we face etc etc. With the intention of enlightening him with the "real solution", embarrasingly for me he assumed I was representing one of these parties and started to give me his political views.......problem was he wouldn't let me get a word in to try to explain. After about 5 minutes of listening to him rambling on I felt sorry for him because I was now there under false pretences......."how do I get out of this mess ?", didn't want to disappoint him.
"I know !"..................... WatchTower to the rescue, just pulled one from my bag, the door slammed and I didn't have to explain a thing, thank God for small mercies.