Do you think another Proclaimers book will be out in the near future?

by confedd 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • confedd

    Is there a possibility[especially now with the info.,out on the net about the Watchtower Society including Ray Franz,the UN,child abuse issues,etc.] that there another Proclaimers book[last one published in 1993]

    updated for the sheeple to eat and digest,with lies coverup,and the classic witness b.s.?

    Just my two cents.

  • Mulan

    I think they deeply regret writing the first one. It opened a can of worms for many of the JW's I know, who are now ex JW's, because of that book. It was a sanitized version of their history, but not enough.

    So............don't think they will do it again.

  • Farkel

    : Do you think another Proclaimers book will be out in the near future?

    I don't think so. Nothing much exciting has happened since Proclaimers was written, except maybe the "this generation" change. No one but ex-dubs ever read the Proclaimers book, either.

    Even though Proclaimers has omitted a number of important events in the JW history, and misrepresented certain old viewpoints, it still is light years above the "Jehovah's Witnesses in the Divine Purpose" book. The latter book was not a factual history of the movement at all. That's why, when you go to a library to check it out, it is found in the "novels" section.


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