Hi friends,
I am preparing a CD about the WT-UN scandal for a family....
this CD is going to "fly" to the United States tonight.
I need some good webs page about this. Can you give me some URLS?
Caballo Sentado
Need help (information).... preparing a WT-ONU CD
by caballoSentado 4 Replies latest jw friends
Thanks Celtic.
The letter from the UN regarding the WTS is still on the UN Web site.
Go to www.un.org
Clic on... WELCOME
then "about the UNited Nations" found on the left side of the screen, third down
then, "NGO Section" then, "Archice" then, "NGO Related Documents" then "Other documents"
hug !
~Quotes, of the "Boutros-Boutros" class