A neighbor stopped by to see 8 year-old Billy's new puppies. Billy told the neighbor that these were Jehovah's Witness' puppies. The neighbor was puzzled, but let the comment go by. A couple of days later the neighbor asked Billy how his Jehovah's Witness' puppies were doing. Billy said, They're now Apostate puppies! Why's that? asked the neighbor. Billy replied, Well, now they have their eyes open!
What religion are your puppies?
by Deleted 9 Replies latest jw friends
My puppies were always Druids. They worshipped at the nearest tree.
Special K
Oh for goodness sakes deleted.. this is just too cool.
apostate puppies who open their eyes.
Our family just got a new kitten last week. He's worst than an apostate. He has so much "little devil" in him.
Special K
That's just too cute deleted LOL
Fraid I'm regressing. My pup is a Jack Russell! Next thing you know he'll be thrown in jail for ranting about religion being a racket!!
Carm, is that like a Jack Mormon, so your pup's a Jack Russelite? (btw, the orginal joke was Catholics and JWs, but I thought it apropos for us as JWs and Apostos)
My dog must by a JW because he is part of the 144,000 going into heaven. Earlier thread, never mind.
They're now Apostate puppies! Why's that? asked the neighbor. Billy replied, Well, now they have their eyes open!
hahaha too funny, i haven't got any puppies, but if i did they would be do not call puppies.
Undaunted Danny
I heard that one when i was a 'pup' gotta be at least as old as me.