... never to return." (btw, thank you all for indulging me in my Top Five polls) Mine go like this: (1) I read the www.freeminds.org website, page by page (then I read Crisis of Conscience and In Search of Christian Freedom) - thank you so much Randy and Ray! (2) support4xjws (now http://www.network54.com/Forum/128637) - I was a bit of a lightweight for the old forum site "H20" (it was like Battlestar Gallatica) - but the folks at support4xjws was just what I needed: people to listen, and amazingly similar stories - thank you Mommie Dark, Spock, Tishie, Helen et al. (3) I actually read The Finished Mystery (1917) - if Jesus had actually chosen the WTS then it's all caca, it's all caca and Jesus didn't pick them. (4) Books and websites on Gnosticism (there a whole bunch missing from the "Bible") - there is so much else to consider it makes the WTS seem petty and stupid, which it is, very. (5) 1914 is a hoax, at best - it makes me wonder just how many people at the branch offices know that it's a lie, that there is less than zero support for 607 BCE being the destruction of Jerusalem by the Babylonians and tens of thousands of pieces of forensic evidence that puts it 20 years later. I'm struggling with just 5, how about yours?
Deleted's Top-5 Poll#3 "What did you learn that put you over the top ...
by Deleted 8 Replies latest jw friends
The first thing that made me start wondering was the lack of love, then "theocratic war strategy". It was the child abuse scandals that got me to do some research. Then it was their UN involvement, false prophesies, and changing text in WT articles in the bound volumes from the original distributed material.
Undaunted Danny
Outrageous lying conniving back stabbing sleaze.The twist is,I was deluded all the more that this is the truth because "satan is stirring up in-house turmoil for me to stumble me outa da troof".How do I reconcile 6 billion dead and these slimeballs take over?
The perpetrator congregation was the Rockland Massachusetts usa kingdum hell.
Ray Franz' books and undertanding that the FDS ain't nothing but a necesary deoderant.
I didn't think I had so many stored up. I guess I needed to finally express my disdain for having been born into a frikken CULT!
Well, let's see if I can get a TOP-5 out of this one...
10) Overhearing, in 1973, an ex-Bethelite in my congo talking to my brother in private about the research he was doing in the Bethel library, going to the higher ups about the new material he found and being shut down and told to forget it and concentrate on the regular info they were spooning out...and never to research that completely again.
9) Seeing how something as pure and natural as the ability to play music, a gift from God, can be distorted into something evil and you were 'chasing after the world' because you are able to make living at it, only to find out there were other Dubs in LA and NYC making a bigger living!
8) Seeing the constant contradictions concerning 'love among yourselves' being the tell tale sign that we are of the Christ. Oh yeah, the Fruitages of the Spirit were everywhere, weren't they?
7) The Spiritual Paradise that was present among our 'brothers' made me suicidal. If this is real love, kill me now! PLEASE! I left for a minute the first time...
6) Returning with spouse and children and having my children shanghied by the elder and wife and made to feel less of a man
5) Talking to another elder about childhood abuse against me and then being 'shushed down' as if I were cursing something holy. I left for a couple of years after splitting with joint smoking newly baptized first wife...
4) Returning to the spiritual paradise and seeing everyday people with their everyday attitudes and no love.
3) Returning years later, from my mother's urgings, with a new family to talk to an elder who resembled an abusive, authoritarian type who's lack of people skills will find him in a trench with a knife poking out of him.
2) Reading Franz' CoC and Christain Freedom at ex-Catholic wife's urgings, contacting Randall Watters and putting all of his audio info on a constant loop via CD until I could get over the total devestation of the truth about the Troof
1) Realizing that my abusive mother would not be as psychotic IF it weren't for this shaming, shunning, lying CULT!!!!
Okay, so it's a Top 10.
Thanks for letting me share, Deleted...
gespro- the not-so traumatized anymore, amazing smoking human
When they stopped making muffin egg at the circuit assembly
1. When I read a 1953 Watchtower volume stating that Jehovah gives only a ?token forgiveness? (not real forgiveness as opposed to ?real? and ?true? forgiveness) to those of the great crowd when they ask for forgiveness of their sins. In turn, calling the Society to ask about this doctrine and having them confirm that it is still current doctrine. (This happened in 2001.)
2. Realizing after reading about the great crowd?s identity in Revelation that there can?t be a great crowd in existence NOW when the great tribulation is a future event and that that great tribulation is the catalyst for the existence of the great crowd.
3. The hypocrisy and lies coming from the body of elders in my congregation.
4. When my son was hospitalized for necessary surgery and not one person came to see him in the hospital or at home afterward
5. When after time after time the realization that there was no ?real? love for my family.
The local elders' inability to effectively deal with real human everyday problems in troubled families and the congregation. How their heads are so far up their asses . . . how they overlook truly destructive behavior in congregation members just to df and shun those who are in real trouble spiritually and emotionally.
Doubtfully Yours
The 1914 generation issue change was just too bright a light for me to endure.