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by kes152 4 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • kes152

    "A man had two sons.

    He went up to the first son and asked him, "Son, go please and bring in my sheep from the pasture. For it is getting dark and it would be dangerous to leave them out at night."

    So the son goes out and brings in the flock, because his heart was on obeying his father and he wanted to care about the same things his father cared about. Because he loved his father.

    The next day the father said to his other son, "Son, go please and bring in my sheep from the pasture. For it is getting dark and it would be dangerous to leave them out at night." But this son upon hearing this was too concerned about doing what he wanted to do that he left off unconcerned and did what pleased him.

    The father after looking outside said in his heart, 'It is dark outside and my son has not brought in my sheep, for he is busy doing his own thing. I will go to my first son and ask him to bring in my sheep, for he will listen to my voice.'

    So the father asked his first son to bring in his sheep, and the son brought them in safely.

    The next morning, the second son began to notice his father spoke more to his brother than to him. Being filled with jealousy he rivaled his brother demanding to know why his father spoke more to him.

    The father seeing this answered: "My son, I in good faith kindly asked you to bring in my sheep last night for I did not want them to be brought to ruin. I asked your brother and he obeyed my voice because his heart was set on me rather than himself. You however, because of the abundance of your heart's desire to do what YOU want to do... you did not obey my voice but completely ignored me. So why are you hot with anger because I speak more with your brother than with you?

    Why am I to speak with you, when your heart is not set on my words at all? What is the purpose of speaking if you will not listen? Start in your heart first, clear out your leaven and set your heart on my words, and you will hear. If you leave the leaven... then I will let you do your 'own' will.. just as you desired."

    Such has been the case with all on this board. Because the abundance of your HEART'S desire to "do your OWN will" you all have not heard the holy spirit. When that spirit "speaks" to you.. you ignore it "going about your OWN lives" as if nothing happened.

    Start in your hearts FIRST. Clear out your deciet, wicked reasonings, rivalries, contentions, lack of faith. If you don't think there is anything in your heart.. APPROACH the Son.. He will SHOW you your 'defect' that is SEPARATING you from him.

    This is what is stopping you all from "hearing the holy spirit." Cleanse your hands and purify your hearts and you will "hear his voice," his REAL voice. And after you hear it.. it is UP TO YOU which 'son' you will be about it.

    Peace to all,

  • Larsguy

    Hi Aaron,

    That was a nice NON-BIBLICAL story of judgment in your eyes for all here for not listening to some spirit speaking to you.

    My suggestion to you and the others is that you all best figure out right now who fulfills the "70 weeks" prophecy which should clearly establish the dating for the fall of Jerusalem according to the Bible so you will be sure when the Messiah is supposed to arrive so you can take it from there.

    If you don't know who fulfilled the "70 weeks" prophecy, then whose fault will it be if you don't get into the kingdom when you have plenty of time to consider these important things?

    We are told to stay away and "test every inspired expression" which we do with scripture.

    Remember what got the WISE VIRGINS into the kingdom. It was their EXTRA OIL which caused their lamps to burn longer and brighter. That lamp is God's word.

    I hope you're taking care of the important things, Kes, along with all your extra-Biblical advice.


  • logical


    While what Aaron said was not quoted directly from scripture, what he said certainly is backed up by scripture.

    TOTALLY unlike your claims, Matthew 24:23-28 speaks for you and your sick kind.

  • kes152


    my dear, YOU together with the "majority of the world" don't read. In addition to you "mis quoting" scriptures, you ALSO don't know the meaning of "words." Now if you were from a foreign country not accustom to English... THEN I would understand. But if such is NOT the case with you... you need to START reading.

    What am I talking about?

    your statement saying:

    "That was a nice NON-BIBLICAL story of JUDGEMENT in your eyes for all here for not listening to some spirit speaking to you."

    (emphasis mine)

    Tell me... do you even know what the word "judgement" means?

    Judgement - the forming of an opinion based on available evidence SO AS TO PASS A SENTENCE.

    You said I made a "judgement" FOR ALL HERE for NOT listening to some spirit. Tell me, what WAS this "judgement?" What "decision" did I pass upon people for the "crime" of not listening to some spirit?

    As you look you will find none. For I made NO sentence whatsoever, only advice. I did not state what will happen to them as a consequence for not listening to "some spirit," nor did I state a sentence for not listening to the advice. Thus, NO judgement was made.

    But, may I say .... "Stop looking at the straw in your brother's eye when LOOK! you have a RAFTER in your OWN eye."

    Want to see this rafter? Of COURSE you do.... and its VERY easy to see.

    you said to AGuest and I:

    "And don't forget now, at one point all the apostates will be lined up at the door to get in, saying: "You preached in our broadways... (i.e. you posted on the JW message boards)" and "you ate in front of us"...(i.e. you did your research in front of us)..". And I will reject them. Then they will say, "But, I did this in your name and I gave up that in your name..." Then I'll say: "Did you ever hear about the "70 weeks" prophecy? Yeah right! Get away from me you workers of lawlessness!"

    You CLEARLY passed judgement twice! In case you didn't notice, I bolded your judgements. You SENTENCED a REJECTING of them... and for what? Because of their not "accepting" your teaching of the 70 weeks. If we don't accept YOUR interpretation (as you CLEARLY stated it was YOUR interpretation) then you sentense REJECTING and outcasting of us.

    Did I say something like that would happen in my post above? Read it again.

    May you have peace,

  • Scorpion


    I saw no judgement of anyone in your post. Larsguy seems to have a haughty opinion of himself.

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