this guy did his homework, check out this site, has most, if not all Russell's Zion's Watchtower mags and other info, great source for information, and history on the cult we all got out of.
hope i did the link right
by run dont walk 7 Replies latest watchtower bible
this guy did his homework, check out this site, has most, if not all Russell's Zion's Watchtower mags and other info, great source for information, and history on the cult we all got out of.
hope i did the link right
I was gladdened (Watchtower word) to see that Russell and the BS had this hymn in their hymnal:
::Hymn 71::
Guide Me
Guide me, O thou great Jehovah, Pilgrim thru this barren land; I am weak, but thou art mighty; Hold me with thy pow'rful hand. Bread of heaven, Feed me till I want no more. Bread of heaven, Feed me till I want no more.
The words don't quite match those used with the Music Cwm Rhondda, which is a shame.
I also noted that the last Watchtower of 1916 clearly shows that they thought Russell was the faithful servant providing meat in due season.
What impressed me about the hymns are that so many are sung to Jesus. Contrast that with the few that are sung about Jesus in today's Watchtower hymnals. See
There is over 300 megabytes of info there. I downloaded it.
too much too post, definitely worth checking it out,
This is a good site for research. I noted that the old WT has the prices in old english money too, maybe they were english versions. For those not familiar with Old english money here is a short tutorial, or a trip down memory lane: 20 shillings (s or /- eg 1s 1/-) to the £ 12 pennies (d) to the shilling 240 pennies to the pound sterling (252 for a guinea) 480 halfpennies to the £ (pronounced ha'penny) 960 farthings to the £ Coinage: Farthing (1/4 penny) Halfpenny Penny Three penny piece (thre'pennybit)(silver three penny coin (joey) for those really old - if still alive) Six pence (tanner) Shilling (bob) 2 shilling coin (two bob) Half-a-crown (2/6d two-and-six or half a dollar) Crown (5 bob or a dollar) Ten bob note (10/-) Pound note (quid) tenners and twenty's To show how we were ripped off with decimalisation: Pre decimal you could get 960 blackjacks for a quid after you could only get 480 ah, those were the days
Thanks for this interesting reference. I note they display the crown and cross within the reef which I think you can find explained at some web sites dealing with Freemasonry. The cross and crown I believe are symbols used by the Knights Templar, right? I'll look it up on the net.
it was interesting to see in the first ZWT that Russell did not seem very anti-trinitarian... saying Jesus was the Word and the Word was God.