Religious group advertises on PS2 site

by Scully 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Scully

    One of my kids was looking up "codes" for a PS2 game on this afternoon. I was shocked when - after he entered the name of the game (The Suffering) - an ad came up for this website:

    This site - The United Church of God - offers a booklet called "Why Does God Allow Suffering?" I found that kind of disturbing, mainly because of the JW booklet with a similar title, but on another level, because if parents aren't monitoring their kids online activities, it would be so easy for a kid to get sucked in to a religious organization that is targeting them with their advertising.

    Has anyone else had similar experiences?

  • funkyderek

    It sounds like the same kind of targeted advertising used on this site, and on Google. I doubt the group is actively seeking out young gamers, they've just bought a whole load of advertising space to appear whenever anyone searches for the word "suffering". Not sure what you can do about it, unless you think the ad is misleading or inappropriate in which case you could contact the webmaster. Otherwise, continue making sure you know what sites your kids are looking at.

  • codeblue

    Wow Scully, that does like like one of the WTBS pubs.........took me back for a second!!!

    Agreed on your point: It would be a shame for a child to get sucked into a destructive cult!!!


  • seesthesky

    The game sounds, potentially, as dangerous as the cult - hours and hours of repetitive mental input.

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