I didn’t want to write my story. I wanted to close the door on a difficult part of my life and move on. There are many things that are best left in the past because they are too painful to recall. But unfortunately the persons responsible for causing so much pain in my life haven’t been willing to let the past die. I have had my life invaded one too many times and feel I have to other recourse but to make their actions available to public scrutiny.
We have all read the story of Mary, the JW who should tell the elders about confidential matters and files. Even if this would lead to legal problems for her employers.
Meet the real life "Mary". She is Carol Keener, and here is some other informations:
The congregation Carol attends is
Southeast Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses 6000 Abbott St. Fort Wayne, Indiana 46816, phone (219) 447-1343.
Her home address and phone number is
3808 East Fleming Avenue Fort Wayne, Indiana 46806
phone (219) 441-0735.
Carol is employed by
Renhill Staffing Services 4105 West Jefferson Blvd Fort Wayne Indiana 46804 phone (219) 436-9237.
Read this fantastic story on the Watchtower Observer. You will find it on the first page, and the story is called
The story of Brent Craft and Carol Keener
You will find lots of police reports and documents proving the accusations. Anyone may download the documents and republish the story. Let's make these people famous - and show employers all over the world it's dangerous to have employees belonging to the Watchtower Cult.
My advice to the person that wrote this story, is to sue the emplyer of Carol Keener. The fact that she got sacked doesn't change that....
Yakki Da
"The only difference between God and Adolf Hitler is that God is more proficient at genocide."
Daily News On The Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses: