Ozzie's Weekend Poll #99 - The Happiest Day

by ozziepost 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • ozziepost

    G'day all,

    Well, as we say downunder, "Owyergoin?" How's it been for you so far this weekend?

    Mrs Ozzie and I have driven over an area of NSW called the Southern Highlands today. The views were simply wonderful and the crisp air made the winter sunshine so bracing! Ah, magic! and not a shiraz in sight!!!!

    So what shall we poll this weekend? It seems that we've had plenty of gloom, so how about 'counting our blessings'? So, settle down with a nice cuppa or a good red and reminisce with us on this:

    What was the happiest day of your life?

    1. The day I got married.

    2. The day I got divorced!!!!!! (well, ya never know!)

    3. The day I got baptised (as a dub)

    4. My 21st birthday party

    5. Any birthday party

    6. The day I first posted on JWD

    7. The day I placed my first "double sub"

    8. The day I was first in the New Releases queue.

    9. The day I won the lottery (you lucky thing!)

    10. The day I met.............................

    11. The day I found true love.

    12. The day my first child was born.

    13. The day my last child left home. (that's black humor!!! - parents will understand)

    14. The day I bought a new car for the first time.

    15. The day I first tasted shiraz.

    16. The day I paid off the mortgage.

    17. The day I got that great job.

    18. The day i went to my first Apostafest.

    19. The day the elders gave me a shepherding call.

    20. The day I was re-instated.

    21. Other (please detail)

    So there you are, care to let us know? We'll enjoy the results of this poll.


    Cheers, Ozzie

    P.S. Be on the lookout for next weekend's poll - it's our 100th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • blondie


    The day after I got married. My divorced JW parents had to be at my wedding and I spent the whole day worrying that they would get into a shouting match because they were such good Christians!

    2nd happiest day, when I finally decided the circuit assembly I was attending was my last meeting. I only attended the first day and skipped the second and I have been "skipping" ever since.


  • Deleted

    A day that sticks in my mind was at a weekend (July 4th) gathering when I played All Along the Watchtower to Abaddon's lyrics, about a year after getting most of my Borg implants removed.

    Am G F G (throughout)

    All along, the Watchtower

    Told a pack of lies

    Broken hearts and promises

    So much wasted time

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Hmmm so many to choose from

    What was the happiest day of your life?

    2. The day I got divorced!!!!!! (well, ya never know!) definitely up there

    5. Any birthday party My 40th and only birthday party was pretty cool

    12. The day my first child was born. Right up there near the top

    21. Other (please detail)

    1. The day my second child was born is waaay up near the top. It was a high risk pregnancy and we almost lost her a few times.
    2. The day my first grandchild was born - pretty awesome experience
    3. Last Jan when my daughter got married (I am so happy she found such a great husband)
    4. and recently when she had her second child
    5. and one more - the day I realized the WTS was a hoax and was set free - 10 long years after I left
    6. ok 2 more - being the first person in my family to go to and graduate from college and then university

    I can't pick!!!!!

  • Mulan

    12. The day my first child was born.

    13. The day my last child left home. (that's black humor!!! - parents will understand) Absolutely understand

  • Princess

    Mulan said:

    13. The day my last child left home.

    She meant...The day my parents left home.

    I don't know Ozzie...I guess I've had a lot of happy days.

    Wedding Day

    Day Rhys was born

    Day Zoe was born

    Day both Rhys and Zoe went to school full time

    I don't think I'd be able to pick a happiest day, life is good.

  • HappyDad


    There have been a lot of "happiest" days over the decades...........but in the "NOW" I would have to say May 27, 2004.........2 days after I joined this board.

    Why? Because of a post by myself and another on this board. It led to another post............then a PM or two.........then e-mail................then phone calls.................."MANY PHONE CALLS"....................EVERY DAY.........FOR HOURS EACH EVENING...................SEVERAL HOURS JUST TODAY........IM's in the morning and sometimes during the day........exchanging pictures over the internet.....................learning about each other......................and now an upcoming trip by me to spend some quality time with this most loving and wonderful person I could ever have the privelege of knowing.................REAL and totally UNEXPECTED LOVE??? Time will tell.............all I know is that at 57 and going through life doing my "thing"...........

    and I'm happydad

  • Mulan
    She meant...The day my parents left home.

    Oh yeah. That too. I thought about saying that, but it sounded so mean. The day my youngest child went to school all day, was a good day too.

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