G'day all,
Well, as we say downunder, "Owyergoin?" How's it been for you so far this weekend?
Mrs Ozzie and I have driven over an area of NSW called the Southern Highlands today. The views were simply wonderful and the crisp air made the winter sunshine so bracing! Ah, magic! and not a shiraz in sight!!!!
So what shall we poll this weekend? It seems that we've had plenty of gloom, so how about 'counting our blessings'? So, settle down with a nice cuppa or a good red and reminisce with us on this:
What was the happiest day of your life?
1. The day I got married.
2. The day I got divorced!!!!!! (well, ya never know!)
3. The day I got baptised (as a dub)
4. My 21st birthday party
5. Any birthday party
6. The day I first posted on JWD
7. The day I placed my first "double sub"
8. The day I was first in the New Releases queue.
9. The day I won the lottery (you lucky thing!)
10. The day I met.............................
11. The day I found true love.
12. The day my first child was born.
13. The day my last child left home. (that's black humor!!! - parents will understand)
14. The day I bought a new car for the first time.
15. The day I first tasted shiraz.
16. The day I paid off the mortgage.
17. The day I got that great job.
18. The day i went to my first Apostafest.
19. The day the elders gave me a shepherding call.
20. The day I was re-instated.
21. Other (please detail)
So there you are, care to let us know? We'll enjoy the results of this poll.
Cheers, Ozzie
P.S. Be on the lookout for next weekend's poll - it's our 100th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!