No doubt this was circulated on here before, but I thought it was very interesting:
JW Statistics
by Gretchen956 9 Replies latest watchtower bible
Thanks, Gretchen, very interesting!!!!
Have a nice day.
A lot of times it has seemed to me that their organization must be shrinking, but I can't prove it, obviously. These statistics surprise me because it actually looks like they're doing better than I expected. However, since almost everyone I know cheated on their time it makes me wonder how trustworthy their statistics really are anyway.
This I've visited this site a few times and found the information very revealing. Generally speaking, in countries which are considered more affluent, where internet access and printed material are available to do research on JWs we note that growth has levelled off somewhat, including: Canada, USA, Western Europe and Oceania. Other geographic locations such as Central and South America, Africa, and Eastern Europe growth is greater because access to information is not as readily availabe.
Also, note that for all the 'talk' of being international / world-wide ... the reality is that they are just another American evangelistic religion. Most members are from only 2 or 3 countries (if you line them up)
They seem to have peaked in a few countries but still taking advantage of lack of education in others.
The numbers baptised are all generally heading down which means future growth should slow and possibly decline.
Like many other similar religions, they seem to have got a boost from 9/11 ... hopefully this will be short lived though and 'normal service will be resumed'
Interesting thought, Simon - i looked at the figures and 1/3 comes from USA, Brazil and Mexico
A lot of times it has seemed to me that their organization must be shrinking
In Canada...1995 110,000 average publishers....2003 110,000 average publishers
Do we have to talk about shrinkage?
In Canada...1995 110,000 average publishers....2003 110,000 average publishers
Hi Gretchen,
I am always suspicious of facts and figures that show the WT in a plus situation. I do think the Canada figures could be about right. In our area the same old ones are still plodding through their paces...I see no increase and no changes...just a bunch of increasingly aged old timers still jumping through hoops for their master, the WT.
Do we have to talk about shrinkage?
Ack! Don't say that word!!!!
It looks like we are doing okey in the nordic countries. (Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark, Iceland).