Deleted's Top 5 Poll #4 - What do you relish in now that you couldn't then?

by Deleted 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Deleted

    Happy Father's Day y'all!. Mine are:

    1. Indulging in the UnHoly Trinity - weed, scotch and cigars

    2. Enjoying Christmas carols and the whole Holiday thing - I used to try to avoid it all

    3. Swearing (generally for emphasis)

    4. Laying in on Saturday mornings, having Sunday's to ourselves

    5. Reading anything, watching anything, saying anything, enjoying people know matter who they are

  • Scully

    1. Making personal decisions without feeling compelled to consult the bound volumes.... and having them turn out GREAT!
    2. Having friends who love me for who I am, not for what I could do for them. These are also friends who don't judge me, are not going to run to the elders and tattle on me, and will listen and care when I need them.
    3. Having a decent education and a fantastic career that pays me exceptionally well compared to how we had to struggle financially as JWs.
    4. Knowing that I am not living their lie anymore, and have grown ethically, morally, and spiritually because of it.
    5. Giving my kids the opportunities in life that I was denied.

    Love, Scully

  • Sabine

    I'd agree with most of yours and add, donating my time and money to truly worthwhile causes!! The next two months I'm donating my time to train triathletes for a brest cancer fundraiser triathlon in Seattle.

    I love animals and donate a lot to the humane societys in Seattle and Maui and the AIDS foundations in Maui and the Suicide Crisis Center in Seattle...these folks are making a real difference, unlike the self-serving JWs!

  • bull01lay

    1) Martial Arts - always loved em and desperately wanted to be a wrestler.. big no-no with the borg!

    2) Drinking to Excess - I was born to drink Whisky!!

    3) Premarital sex n stuff! - 'nuff said!

    4) Laugh at / tell rude jokes - Chubby Brown is a God in his own rights...!!!

    5) Listen to Heavy Metal - Hard 'n' Heavy - just the way I liike it!!!

  • talesin


    1. Freedom.

    2. Understanding the meaning of unconditional love.

    3. Personhood.

    4. Fostering my creative urges.

    5. Friends.

    Now, the fun stuff,

    1. Eating hot dogs of any brand.

    2. Mind-altering substances, eg, scotch.

    3. R and X rated movies.

    4. Sex.

    5. Ice-Tea and other forbidden music.

  • Junction-Guy

    how about just plain old personal freedoms, that says it all

  • Elsewhere

    5. Freedom to come and go as I please, wherever I please

    4. Freedom to think

    3. The right to privacy

    2. The freedom to love whomever I wish

    1. The freedom to feel

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