Can You Serve Where There Is a Greater Need?
Have you ever contemplated moving to where there is a need for more Kingdom proclaimers? If in-vited to “step over ... and help,” would you respond as did the apos-tle Paul? (Acts 16:9, 10) In many con-gregations, there is a need for spiri-tually mature families, pioneers to help cover the territory, or quali-fied elders and ministerial servants to help take the lead. The territo-ry may be made up of small iso-lated towns scattered throughout large rural areas. The nearest King-dom Hall might be many kilometres away. Secular work may be limit-ed. The weather may not always be ideal. Would you be willing to take on such a challenge? How is it possi-ble to make a success of it?
FaIth and Trust Needed: At God’s direction, Abram left his hometown of Ur and travelled 960 kilometres to Haran along with his wife, nephew, and aged father, Terah. (Gen. 11:31, 32; Neh. 9:7) After Terah died, Jehovah com-manded Abram, now 75 years old, to leave Haran and his relatives and travel to a country that God would show him. Abram, Sarai, and Lot “got on their way.” (Gen. 12:1,4,5) Of course, Abram did not move in or-der to serve where there was a great-er need for ministers. But his move required something. What?
1t took faith and trust for Abram to attempt such an undertaking. His thinking and way of living had to change. He had to leave the secu-rity of his relatives. But he trusted Jehovah to look after him and his household. Many today have mani-fested their trust in Jehovah in a similar way.
Jehovah is determined to have the good news declared “in all the inhabited earth” before the end comes. (Matt. 24:14) Knowing this, if you are able, would you be willing to move to where the need is greater? The need exists in many areas.
Moving Where the Need Is Greater:Are you retired? Do you have a steady income? If not, can you arrange for self-employment? Are you able to make a living from any location by means of the tele-phone or the computer? If you can-not move, could you assist a family member to serve elsewhere?
If after prayerful consideration you feel equal to the challenge of relocating to where the need is greater, discuss the matter with your family and the elders in your congregation. Then, prepare a let-ter and give it to the elders so that they may include their obser-vations and recommendations be-fore sending it to the branch office.
What should you include in your letter? Your age, date of baptism, responsibilities in the congrega-tion, marital status, and wheth-er you have minor children. Name the districts in which you prefer to serve, according to your personal needs. For instance, can you live where it is hot and humid? Can you endure cold winters? Do you speak any foreign languages?
Do you have zeal and initiative? Do your circumstances permit you to serve where the need is great-er? If so, then observe how Jehovah continuously pours out rich bless-ings upon those who trust in him as they display the spirit of self sacrifice! Ps. 34:8; Mal. 3:10.