The 15 minute rule - how long will its effects last?

by truthseeker 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthseeker

    It seems that there is an ever growing number of people who are still active and are handing in "bumped up" hours. Yet, I have never seen an article acknowledging this. To my mind, nothing has been printed that counsels witnesses on lying about their hours.

    And all these bible studies - do you really see them at the meetings? How many of them are children?

    How many people do you expect to be able to take advantage of the 15 minute rule? I guess it depends on those poor souls stuck in nursing homes.

    What do you think this years increase will be? Last year was about 2.2 if I'm correct, it did fall a few 10ths of a percentage point.

    If you have a look at the yearbooks from say, 10 years ago, you will note that MOST countries have had their baptism halved, sometime more than halved.

    I wonder if the 15 minute rule will soon be a 10 minute rule?

  • ohiocowboy

    Seeing as how the Org. bases itself in large part on numbers, ie; quantity instead of quality, I do not think that they will ever say anything about it, as the mock numbers only appear to make them look better.

  • ApagaLaLuz

    15 minute rule? Is like if you drop your food on the ground, you have 15 minutes to pick it up and eat it again before it's contaminated?

  • ColdRedRain

    That's the 3 second rule. The 15 minute rule is where if you talk to a JW sister for more than 15 minutes at a function like a funeral, she wants to marry you.

  • metatron

    In my former congregation, nearly every Bible study reported was with a Witness kid.

    - and a large number of them drifted away ,anyhow.


  • 95stormfront

    Either that or they're double dipping with the same kid.

    I know one person who's been through two books already, yet still hasn't chose to "make the trooth her own". Yet those sisters still come over and study with her.

    Two sisters, with one study, them both reporting the time and study individually on their timesheets?

    For all their talk of big numbers of people studying and coming into the trooth, cutting that number in half would give you a more accurate rendering of the numbers.

  • Joker10

    Only disabled people who can't do much at all qualify to report 15 minutes.

  • Deleted

    Maybe there will be such as hooplah over counting time that the honest among them will conclude that it's all bulls*** and where in the Bible did that come from? It seems to me that all the statistics they keep prove what a lousy job everyone does. If it takes 4,000 hours to make a recruit then something has to be wrong with the math.

  • Carmel

    15 minutes? I thought they only controlled the bedroom positions that had "heavenly endorsement" not the endurance...gotta save that energy for pioneeringggggggg


  • Freedom Fighter
    Freedom Fighter

    Sunday night was always my 'study' with my mum. I used to throw a tantrum and sometimes I succeeded in not having to do it. She would tell me that she would the time down on the sheet anyway, but I would have to make it up at some other time. If I actually caught up in the hours that were reported i would be free in about 2 months.

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