That was some storm last night, 16 tornados and lot's of damage. Just hoping all on here are okay and have no property damage.
All you Wisconsonites okay?
by kls 9 Replies latest jw friends
where was the damage?
It hit on the west side of Madison with some damage.
Look at this site.
I have family in the Green Bay area, a city called Forrestville. Haven't heard from them today.
Note to kls, if you would wear your damn glasses you could see what you are typing.,,,,,,Wisconsin.,,,,, You big dummy
Aye in the UK too you got a brief mention on the news and I was wondering how you are doing over there, hope all is well with you all from that area.
:( I have a friend in Madison...I should check on him.
Shit, my friends are there and havent returned my voicemails yet. I must try to get a hold of them again
Well my babies who are young men.. are not any where near Madison.. they must be ok. I"ll check on them later. I know with their work schedules they wouldn't be home right now any way.
Last evening, I was barbequeing on the balcony. The sun was out and it was beautiful. All of a sudden, I heard the siren. I had no clue what it was. I thought they were testing. Then, the wind started blowing, and I went inside to look at the news. They had the warning, and said a tornado was seen in Middleton, which is near where I work.
I thought it was about 7 miles from me, (I live in Fitchburg-right on the boundary of Madison), but they said it was moving pretty fast. I went back outside to finish my veggie burgers, ribs, and corn on the cob, and then the hail came. Chunks of ice about the size of marbles. My kids were kind of scared.
My younger son went out in front to see what was going on, and he came flying up the steps yelling that he saw a funnel cloud twisting right in front of where we live. We all ran downstairs, including my next door neighbor, and sure enough...
The sky was so black! We were going to run into the underground garage, but it passed by us so fast! I went back out onto the balcony, and the guy that lives across from me was on his balcony too. He yelled to me, "Damn, we sure just dodged a bullet!"
I finished cooking my food, and then went up to Fitch's with a friend from work and had two margaritas! whew
That was way too damned close for me! I didn't know someone died.