my views to my parents, results

by crizlee 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • crizlee

    i shared with my parents your evil apostate views, and they called it propaganda, they didnt want me to look at it anymore. and then they said if they are true, this religion is the most pure anyway.

    i feel bad for my dad mostly, he was a soldier stationed in korea and met my mom there who begin to study and turned out to be a totaly different woman he met(she use to like to party drink, was pretty cool, after study she turned up tight and was always in his face). they moved back to the states with me and fought a lot. the korean sisters here along with my mom were crazy toward my dad, they got him in trouble a lot by doing stuff at the base. it took him about 10 years to finally learn the troof. even i was kinda strong in the troof back then, but now i realize i dont really have any personal relationship with jehovah and most of the meetings are a borefest, and i only go to the dc and assemblies to check out chicks.

  • kls

    It is so amazing how this cult can minulate it's followers and they believe everything that they are told by the watchtower. My cult minded husband is the same way,he does not believe anything that i tell him of this cult. I am an apostate and the jws are god.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    and then they said if they are true, this religion is the most pure anyway.

    Compared to what? Have they thoroughly investigated all religions that they can credibily make that statement?

  • kls

    Double Edge, good point, my cult husband say's he did study all his options before getting baptised, he just cant remember or answer me how.

  • Gadget
    and then they said if they are true, this religion is the most pure anyway.

    This one is a cop out, 'near enough' isn't good enough for Jehovah. Remember the story of the man who tried to save the ark of the covenant from falling and ended up being killed by jehovah for touching the ark and breaking Jehovahs laws? Even if your only following the rules of 'jehovahs earthly organisation', if you break Jehovahs rules he will kill you at armegedon. Remember, everyone has to answer for themselves at that time. If you look at the wbts and see things that go against what Jehovah wants(Such as the lack of love, joining the UN, double standards, etc) if you continue doing them things then you will be displeasing Jehovah.

    (Isaiah 52:11) 11

    Turn away, turn away, get out of there, touch nothing unclean; get out from the midst of her, keep yourselves clean, YOU who are carrying the utensils of Jehovah.

  • RandomTask

    SO if its complete crap keep believing it cause, hey, you gotta believe in something? Even if it means throwing your life away?

  • Obviously Secret
    Obviously Secret

    lol You seem to be less mentally troubled than JW's that know the truth about the truth at a young age. I'm glad your feelings about it are kind of "heh" will save ya from alot of pain.

  • kls

    I shared your evil apostate views, and my parents said it is all propaganda. Jws share their evil views ,and apostates know jws are all propaganda.

  • ApagaLaLuz
    and they called it propaganda, they didnt want me to look at it anymore. and then they said if they are true, this religion is the most pure anyway.

    Of course that's what they always say, that every religion has flaws and isnt perfect, but their's has the least flaws. It's a perfect faith run by imperfect men. Does that make sense to you? It never did to me.

    Maybe tehy are right. Maybe you shouldnt look at the apostate propaganda anymore. Dont let yourself be easily influenced by others. Instead do your own research and study using their own literature, with an open mind. See what you come up with then.

    p.s. my dad was also in Korea. Growing up I remember he put Kimchee the spicy cabbage on EVERYTHING. Just thought I'd share that with you :)

  • truthseeker1
    and then they said if they are true, this religion is the most pure anyway.

    I'm another who will comment on this. If the JWs are lying about other beliefs, then why would you believe them on this statement. If it turns out they lie about 607 BCE just to accomodate with their dating methodology, then they will lie about other religions too. The WT loses all credability so an outside view must be taken.

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