1 Corinthians 11:3-12 DONT UNDERSTAND???

by way2quik 7 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • way2quik

    hi. ive just read a passage from 1 Corinthians chapter 11 verse 3 - 12 and this i just DONT understand. Its like what the muslims do?. COuld you please help me out? it seems as if these versus are saying that women are not gods image and glory...and are second place to man. and that man will always be of more importance? id unno? thats the impression i get. And this whole shorn thing? i really dont get it. I feel its disrespecting women. But im not judging i dont understand it so someone please help me and explain what it means? thanks.

  • Obviously Secret
    Obviously Secret

    Hi Way2quik.

    I'm much the same way, I get sick when I hear the stuff about how woman are lower than men. Well if you want to be a good JW you have to come to the conclusion that women are lower than men. Women must submit to the man because the man is on the higher plan to Jesus than the women are. Women had to wear head-dresses cause praying without a headdress on is disrespecting to their Male leaders.

    It's a sad situation but alot of the stuff that you see in muslim places are because of those few scriputres.

    It's the women then the men then jesus then God.


  • jgnat

    Welcome, way2quick.

    Here is an apologist's answer to the veil.


  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    Jnat -

    Interesting read. Thanks for the post.

    btw...when it comes to the scriptures I prefer the words that are attributed directly to Jesus. He spoke to women, including prostitutes all of the time, much to the 'horror' of some of his followers. He walked the walk and lived the gospel of love and common sense.

  • JCanon
    I'm much the same way, I get sick when I hear the stuff about how woman are lower than men. Well if you want to be a good JW you have to come to the conclusion that women are lower than men. Women must submit to the man because the man is on the higher plan to Jesus than the women are. Women had to wear head-dresses cause praying without a headdress on is disrespecting to their Male leaders.

    The inequality of women is part of the "smaller picture" and is only temporary. For the purpose of raising children and reproducing someone had to bear the children and basically do the nurturing at home and someone had to be in charge of the peripherals. The basic "emotional" arrangement made women more emotional and men less so, more pragmatic, in general. The combination would afford for a successful growth in the population, happy relationships in the family, etc. Women were thus to follow the lead of their husbands, but husbands were likewise to respect their wives and consider them a "weaker" vessel and thus accord them more understanding, support etc.

    Only temporary: But per the Bible, this apparently is only temporary. Once we've reached population zero and there is no more need for childbirth, there will also be no more need for marriage and thus no more need for two sexes. Thus by the time of the second resurrection, those coming back will be "neither male nor female" but "like the angels", being androgynous, in some unisexual form. At that time then, everyone will be equal and women will not be oppressed or dominated or inferior to anyone else in the sense they are now.

    But still one must not disrespect the order of things. God still will be God and Christ Lord and they will be leaders, fathers, husbands to the rest of the intelligent world. Satan wanted to be equal to God and have complete autotomy based upon his unique extensive beauty. That need to get out of line is part of the reason we're in this big mess right now until things are set straight after the millennium.

    So women, you won't be "weaker vessels" for much longer -- but, some people think there are some advantages to being women vs men, so to those, I say, enjoy it while you can. This and many other things that are part of this "system of things" will be different in the new system.

    2 cents...


  • Obviously Secret
    Obviously Secret

    If you can handle heaven all being one sex... Go ahead.

  • peacefulpete
  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    Wife - soul Husband - married word / belief subject to

    Covers her head to pray - her head is husband - the soul is speaks with God, as do the angels - in freedom and in a holy place, this Comforting place with no fear.

    And soul speaks with spirit - "The maid at the door said to Peter, do you not know Him?" - at the door - to your heart that you would "shut the door when you pray" The maid is not married in the way that "those worthy are neither married nor given in marriage"

    Is this making sense ?

    Do you think it was that Paul focussed his heart on man's language? Or Peter for that matter?

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