The hypocrites went back home! How lovely!

by Fed Up 3 Replies latest social family

  • Fed Up
    Fed Up

    Not long ago I posted expressing my annoyance that my husband's parents--as the GOOD Jehovah's Witness ELDERS that they are, went up north for a month-long with with my husband's DISFELLOWSHIPPED EX-WIFE!

    They apparently were only there for a week and went back home! Not quite that MONTH long visit that I heard was planned...

    Gee? I wonder if they, or their JW FRIENDS read this board? Or any of the MANY OTHER sites I posted my story about this on the internet? Or could it possibly have anything to do with the letter I wrote to his ex-wife's MOM, who is ALSO a PRACTICING JW, and doesn't especially appreciate their CONTINUING VERY CLOSE relationship with HER daughter? Or could it maybe have something to do with my visit to that same very SMALL town, where, carefully avoiding THEM, I told my story to EVERYONE at my former place of business, otherwise known as "gossip central"?

    And how does my husband feel about this? OH! Well, THEY apparently didn't stand up for HIM when he was disfellowshipped by their congregation for DRINKING...but they felt BAD for his ex-wife when SHE got disfellowshipped for committing ADULTERY--on HIM--with his BEST FRIEND! Although he told me he would not want to be the one responsible, he told me he wouldn't exactly feel BAD if they now found THEMSELVES disfellowshipped!

    Guess I'll never find out, because now, THEY'RE not talking to US!

    OH! And I have NO DOUBT that THEY now think that I'M the one who did something WRONG! Oh, not them! I'm sure they justify their actions as being RIGHTEOUS, after all, THEY'RE Jehovah's Witnesses!

    I have to go to laugh now...

  • Fed Up
    Fed Up

    Oh, and I have to go find my husband some brand NEW parents over at the local retirement home now...

  • Atilla

    Yep, my parents go out of their way to associate with me (missing service and meeting sometimes) and my family, something that feels good about seeing their 2 yr old grandson. Although, they really shouldn't be hanging out with me at all since I told them they are in a cult, I'm agnostic, want nothing ever to do with the JW religion, and regularly challenge them on JW beliefs. They cut me a break while actively shunning others both in and out of our family. Soon they will have to choose.

  • Fed Up
    Fed Up


    MY parents and MY family are NOT, and never have been JWs and as a member of OUR family, they support ME--as does my husband. I can not even conceive of anyone in my family supporting a religion which tried to come between any one of our family members. The religion, as well as anyone else, would be history, long before any effective damage could be done to OUR relationship(s).

    My husband does not understand what is wrong with his parents and recently wrote to his dad--in which he essentially told his dad that it is his, and his mother's attitude which has kept him from having any desire to go back to the kingdom hall and trying to get reinstated after being disfellowshipped these past 20 years. If nothing else, their most recent backstabbing performance of betraying him with his EX-WIFE, has had the POSITIVE effect of FINALLY making my husband see that this is a FALSE relgion, and he no longer believes that he is going to HELL simply because he is NOT a witness!

    So for me, (and him) this has actually been a GOOD thing! Best of luck with your family.

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